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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
702 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wilts! I*. F. Mr, appointment, j.89 Wittidt, E. C , degree, 399 Wittman, A. L,, degree, 249 Witwer. M. S., degree, 611 Woelfersheim. W . A., degree, So Woeltge, F, W „ degree, 616 Wohtfarth, L,, appointment, 319 Wohlranh, Wl W,| degree, 6(i Wohnke, D. E.. appointment, 320 Wojialewier, F. L-. degrees. 270, 516 Wolf, L. W „ degree, 253 Wolf, J\. degree. 269 Wolf, J. G., degree^ fits Wolfe, F. ['. appointment, 333 •.. Wolfe, G. C , degree. Bo Wolff, C, H.. degree, 615 Wolff, 1. S.. degree, 632 Wolff, T. G.. degree, 633 Woliord, J- J., scholarship, ±23 Wolfson, M-, degree, 632 Woliniky, L., degree, 256 WoUmann, j. J., degree, 627 Woman's Residence Hall, see Residence Hail, Woman's Women, Association of American University, so Wong, IX M-, degree, 267 Won£, K-. T,, degree, 79 Wood, C A,, degree. 446 Wood, C K „ degree, fill Wood, W . S-. degree. 446 Woodford, C+ R,, degree, 614 Woodford, K.. S-. degree, 349 Woydrtjoleh L. M.r appointment, 338 WoodsT S, L.„ appoiptment, 320 Wijodi, University, fencing, 119 Woodson, P, Er, degree, 257 Woodward, A. O., degiee, 249 Woodward, C. A., degree, 249 WT<x>dw4rd, H. C , degree, 17J W'oodward, W . V, B,, decree, 256 Woodvorth, C. M_, appointment, 34s WoodworthL G. W., le|lowship, 123 Wool ben. C. H.? appointment, 33.5 resignation, c^a Worth, J, C-, d t m , 632 Wort hen, M . T., degree, 615 Wotell, J. B., Jr., degree, 633 Wright, A., degree, 6i3 Wright, A. D., appointment, 340 Wright, C, H., degree, 623 Wright, C T., degree, 617 Wri-ht. T. M.h degree. 6ti Wright, G. C , degree, 431 Wright, G. E., appointment, 32 r Wright, H. S., degree. 137 Wyninger, radioappointment, Wulff, M F.? DE^, CP.A.333 Wtiesteman,0,, appointments, 341 W udegree,P.,H. widening, Bo iB, WrigleyT . ,J., CP.A. certificate. 326 Wright. U 257 ,degree,253599 346 349 WrigMtW J.25+. T,,station.251 31S,612 WrlghT., Street,,degree, 268519249, 398 Wright,G-D.A-, degree, 622611certificate, 39* Wyrick, T,, appointment. Wyke. L., T., „degree,156 Wygodsti, £., degree,r Wright K. S., appointments^ Wright+ I., Wappointment, 317 degiee,A. degree, 25c director, B., appointment, , E. R. R P-M-, W,, degVeea. J. degree, $j5 R A. 61 Williams, L* W.. appointment 200, 334, 3" William*, Mr, appointment!, 348, 406, 555 degree, 626 Williams, M. E., degree, 618 Williams, M . L.h degree. 260 WittiiKi, O., degree. 632 Williams. 0, B.p degree, 611 Williams, O. H.p appointment, 5.11 Williams, W . L, appointment 364 Williamson, R, V.h degree, 611 Williamson, B. W.+ scholarship, 563 Williamson, C. S., appointment, 194 leave ol absence. 5<>i Williamson, D, K., appointment, 321 Wiiliamsun, F. M., degree, &i Williamson, j. K1( commission, 622 degree, 613 t Williamson, W . S-, degree, 267 Willis, C L., appointment. 555 Wj[|iflh D. A>, appointment, 5S6 WilEia, E+ F,, degree, 611 Wilijs, L- j,. degree, 620 Willi*on, C. O., degiee, 173 Willniin, H< B-, degree. 611 W U lough by, rVL L,, scholarship, 584 WilU. J. E.. degree, 260 Wilsey, E. FT, appointments. 74. 341 Wilslte, A. A., appointment, 317 Wilson, A. G., degree, 614 WTilson. B.. appointment, 74 Wilson, B. jrh appointments, 279, 341 Wilson, C, I., C.P.A, certificate. 100 Wilson, D., decree, 513 Wilson, D, D., appointment, 74 WiUon, E., appointment, 324 Wilson, E. C»| degree, 149 Wilson, E. F-. degree. 611 Wilson, E. N,; degree. 621 Wilton, E. R., degree, 269 Wilson. F. S., appointment,. 369 Wilson, ]f. EL, degree, 263 Wilson. Hr G., degree, 6jj Wilson, H. K., degreeh 163 Wilson, H. M , M., scholarship, 5S4 Wilson, I., appointments, 194, 32$ fellowship, 5B4. Wilson, P. R , degree, 631 Wilson, T. J., appointment, 338 Wilson, W , F., degree, 155 Wilson, W . M , appointment, 342 Wilson, Walter C , commission, 261 degree, 2f3 Wilson, William C , degree, 621 Wimer. D. C„ appointment, 345 Windle,L..CJ.,B.,appointments,390319,364 39B Witkin, Wist, Wishpeff, L-, degree, 15B Wiseman, R., I., deEree, 569 Wis*, Wisch, L.W H,,G+ degree. 616 Wirth,J. M_, appointment,74, Winters, A. degree, 614 Bi Winter*,. E., R., contract.429 Winterholter, degree, 237 Gil Winter,E.P+. H,,appointments. Winston. ETF F., degree, 2+9267 Winstein.J,appointments,3<i Winslow, GR.L,,degree,C.P-A- 332, Winn, WL.ErJ.,E.,appointment, 319 Winkler, H.,T..degree,632 253 346 354 Windsor,F.G. L,,degree,61S160 certificate, W'inakor,J,N.F„appointment, 363 M.,degree, L, 42B degree. degree,
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