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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

690 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Robins, M., degree, 624 Robinson, A. B., appointment, 336 Robinson, A. I., degree, 248 Robinson, C. E., degree, 623 scholarship, 223 Robinson, K. F., degree, 261 Robinson, L. E., degree, 630 Robinson, M . H., appointment, 333 C.P.A. committee, 463 Robinson, W . S., degree, 615 Robison, M . L., degree, 248 Robison, M . W., degree, 174 Rodebuah, W . H., appointments, 323, 521 Roche, A. T., degree, 610 Rodewald, C. W., degree, 172 Rodkey, F. S-, appointment, 523 Roe, F. C., degree, 256 Roe, M-, appointment, 320 degree, 620 leave of absence, 591 Roe, M . A., appointment, 194 degree, 630 Roe, S. G., appointment, m commission, 261 degree, 251 Roentgenology and Photography budget, 364 Roesch, W . G., degree, 256 Roeske, A. GM appointment, t x 1 degree, 615 Roessler, C. E., degree, 254 Roewade, A. G., appointment, 140 Rogers, C. C , appointment, 391 resignation, 562 Rogers, C. E., degree, 255 Rogers, D. ML, appointment, 341 Rogers, H. P., degree, 623 Rogers, J. P., degrees, 268, 446 Rogers, M . J., degree, 80 Rogers Printing Co., contracts, 125, 477 Rohrlack, 0- H-, appointment, 389 Rokusck, F. E., appointment, 335 degree, 153 salary, 356 Roland Estate, land purchased, 274 sold, 274, 297 Roland heirs, sale of land, 297 Rolfe, C. W., appointment, 327 Rolleston, W . A., degree, 254 Romance Languages, budget, 330 exptnse, 322 salaries, 322 Rom a nek, W . A., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Romano, E. C , degrees, 270, 516 Romano, T. M-, degree, 632 Romine, V. M.( degree, 255 Ronalds,.E.B.,appointments,26917,323194129, 168 Rose, M. .houses,degree,Residence 72, Roosa,W G.F.C.H.L., appointments,425 190 RoofingWcontract,appointmeat,140 318 342 Rosenblum,R., appointment,369 Rosenbloom,J,, degree,degree,200, Rosenblatt, S-, A., appointment,in, Rosenberg, ,H,J.,appointment,267 Rosccrans,J.,R.,degree, 516 630 407354 Roosa Rooney, 428.223appointments, 390Hall, Rooming C MI. Z.,West 209 certificate, Roseberry, L., appointments, 630 degree, P., degrees,630 453 fellowship.S., F., C.P.A. A, 1,, degree, D., H-, 431, P., investigation, appointment, degree, 446 Rhoads, M-. appointment, 316 Rhode, C. S., appointment!, 348, 353 Rhue, L. C , appointment, 349 Riback, D- J., degree, 633 Rice, D., degree, 632 Rice, M., degree, 633 Rice, M . D., degree, 250 Rice, N. L., degree, 610 Rich, A. E>., degree, 513 Rich, B. G-, degree, 256 Rich, F. M., degree, 256 Richardson, R. L., degree, 255 Richart, F. E., appointment, 342 Richie, H. B., degree, 257 Richmond, P., degree, 613 Richter, 0-, degree, 267 Rickbeil, R. E., degrees, J73, 263 Rickelman, R. J., degree, 269 Rickey, B. M., degree, 248 Rickey, L. F., appointment, 453 RiddeU, M . R., appointments, 339, 342 Ridge, P. A., commission, 622 degree, 621 Ridieii, H., appointment, 17 degree, 400 Riegel, W . E., appointments, 49, 460, 461 Rieke, A., appointment, 363 Riees, R. N., degree* 248 Rifas, L., degree, 632 Riggle, L. C , degree, 25 s Riggs, B., appointment, 344 Riley, R. M., degree, 269 Riley, W.^B., College Place lot contract, 87 407, Rinaker, C , appointment. 325 Rinehart, F. E., degree, 610 Rinehart, W . G., degree, 267 Rinehimcr, B., appointment, 453 Ring, G. F., degree, 80 Ringhofer, J-, degree, 269 Ringland, A. D., appointment, 326 Ringness, T. R., degree, 255 Ripoie, C. W., appointments, 324, 407 degree, 173, 627 Rising, A. F., appointments, 49, 460 Rissinger, A. J., degrees, 81, 446 Ritchie, C. B., degree, 629 Ritter, L., degree, 81 Ritter, V. W., degree, 629 Rivard, J. X., degree, 269 Rives, H. V., degree, 513 Robbing, E. T., appointments, 347, 353 Roberson, F. R., degree, 615 Roberson, G. G. V., degree, 248 Roberts, A. S., appointments, 201, 328, 5*3 Robeitson, L., V.,C-, commission,453379, Robertson,255. E.,degree,250, 357, 471 Roberts,S.F.E.appointment,494270318453 524 Robin, Mrs.appointment,267 446 Robeson,G- R., S., degree,446 316, degree,D.T. L., appointment, 328 R.WJ.,degree,appointment,261 E.,E.,R., appointment, 320 N.,W.,degrees, 268 F.MM.,J., degrees, 347 M_ M., appointment, R., J., degree,262 C G-, Jr., 250 630 C J., appointments, S., 614 611 105 346 »68,
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