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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Rahm, L. F., appointment, 330 Railroad switch, University grounds, 602 Railway Engineering, budget, 341 expense, 337 salaries, 337 Rakstis, j. P., degree, 269 Ralston, J. F., degree, 446 Rarasdell, C. W., appointment, 523 Ramser, J. R., appointments, 111, 333 degree, 264 Ramser, M_ L., degree, 253 Rand, A. L., degree, 610 Rand, H., appointments, 201, 326 Rand, H. M., appointment, 522 Randiil, F. A., degree, 175 Randall, G. S., degree, 618 Randall, J. G., appointment, 328 Randolph, F. T., degree, 612 Randolph, O., contracts, 117, 385 Rankin, F. H., appointment, 345 Rankin, J, T., degree, 610 Ransdell, F., appointment, 319 Ransdell, T. F., degree, 622 Raphael, H. B., degree, 632 Rapp, Mrs. E, H., appointments, 194, 32.6 degree, 262 Rapp, O. L., degree, 621 Rappaport, B. Z., appointments, 75, 361 Rash, B., appointments, 338, 453 Rasmusen, R. N., degree, 618 Rasmussen, G., degree, 614. Rasmussen, M., appointment, 471 Rasswetter, G. ML, appointment, 341 degree, 626 Ratdiffe, M . F., degree, 399 Ratdiffe, S. A., appointment, 203 Ratdiffe, S. C , appointments, 330, 52; Ratsek, J. C , degree, 6t8 Ratzesberger, A. S., degree, 79 Rauch, A. E., degree, 251 Raue, E. A., degree, 611 Rawlings, C. 0„ degree, 257 Ray, G. R., degree, 629 Raymond, S. W., degree, 630 Rayner, W . H., appointment, 338 Rea Scholarships fund, investment, 130 Read, C. F~ appointment, 389 Read, F. M., degree, 610 Reader, J. I., degree, 632 Reagan, C. W., appointment, 427 Reagan, G. W„, appointments, 166, 200, 335 523 Ressor, M . L., degree, 253 scholarship, 277 Reckitt, E„ C.P.A. examiner, 463 Reedy,C.andL.,degree,633 for300, 595 Reed, O.D.V.,appointments, 17, ofbids,477 Reddidc,M.,G,,appointments,contract,505 507 Rector, K.Annual,commission,317361432%239 317 RegistrationC , appointments, Registration, C.,degree,September, Registrar,W.,Jr., degree, 429 200 Register, S., Reports, Division622 Refrigeratjng dates122,264.Dairy, Reeves, W610degree, 173 figures, 32 Reeve,A. ofH.,laboratory610 407 budget, Rees, J. Scholarship, 515446 meats355 Records J.L.,fees,of, budget, 279, 1926, Refrigeration degree, 621 PlymV. 254 comparative degree, J., equipment. report R„ degree, 309, O. Officeappointment, . for printing 689 Rehling, A. J., degree, 618 Rehm, A. C , degrees, 35s, 261 Reich, W . J., degree, 629 Reid, E. A., appointment, 338 Reid, E. C , degree, 79 Reid, G. L., degree, 612 Reid, P. E-, appointments, 17, >?8, 200 degree, 172 Reid, S. H., degree, 256 Reif, S. B., degree, 250 Reiner, R. M., degree, 633 Re'mhardt, E,, degree, 262 fellowship, 223 Reinsch, B. P., appointments, 17, 202, 328 Reis, R. N., degree, 516 Reisch, J. E., degree, 629 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co., contract, 63B, 641 Remington, O. J., degree, 248 Remodeling Buildings, budget, 365 Rendlen, T. B., degree, 610 Rennen, M . E., degree, 610 Renner, W . S., degree, 260 Reno, R. R., appointment, 453 Research, medical, 504, 591 Physical Welfare department, 227, 397 Sanitary Chemistry, 231, 639 See also Co-operative research Research graduate assistants, budget, 342 Research graduate assistantship, gift, 43 Research Hospitals, see Hospitals, Medical Ret search Residence Hall, West, appropriation, 82 additional, 204 bids, 82, 115, 117 contract, building, 117 heating, 188 linoleum, 286 plumbing, wiring, 180 roofing, 129, 168 screens, 282 director appointed, 271 fires, 469 furnishings for, 287 named, 3 82 settlement of contract, 385 Residence Hall, Women's, budget, 358 director appointed, 271 funds, investment, 82 rates, 222 reports, 311 - 440 room assignments, 553 Resolutions, Carter property, S93 Carter-Pennell Trust, 186 Death of President James, 287, 290 Retirements,Deathappointment,145 J.,n590634, 453 Retiringtransactions,contract,and453330,552 AllowRezilite ofcases,116, Barton, 231, Reynolds,L.,.degree,237 staff, i Rew,ancesT. budget,Benefits260569Retiring Reuther,Mfg.appointments,621Assn., Reuterskiold,F.,„508degree,358H.635525, 178, 642 Rex, C. H., University 296 Rhinology,Guernseyappointments, on medical EF., degree, report, 446 appointments, policy, 222 V., 361 Goebel,allowance, 128 landIII.allowances, Breeders' degree, J., see timealso G. 590 616 special H. Co., 272, by C. 102,K., amendments, M retiring,
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