UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 689]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Peabody, R. A., degree, 260 Peabody, R. D., C.P.A. certificate, 638 degree, 612 Pearcc, E. L., degree, 618 Pcarce, H. I., appointment, 321 Pearce, H. W., degree, 254 Pearsall, A. LM degree, 248 Pearson, E. L., degree, 610 Pearson, P. 0., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Pease, T. C-, appointment, 328 Peck, L. A., appointment, 320 Peck, R. B., commission, 622 degree, 622 Peckenpaugh, E. B., degree, 610 Peeff, N. T., degree, 174 Peel, T., appointment, 325 Pect, H. L., commission, 261 degree, 429 Peffer, H. H., appointment, 344 degree, 623 Pehlman, J. E., degree, 615 Peirce, L. F-, degree, 106 Pelusc, S., degree, 630 Pence, D., degree, 629 Pence, E. C , C-P.A. certificate, 638 Pcnfield, E. M., degree, 623 Penfoimd, E. A-, appointment, 323 Penfound, W . T., appointments, 521, 554 Penhallow, FT. VV., degree, 79 Penn Stone Co., contract, 144 Penner, R. A., degree, 515 Pennington, L. E., scholarship, n o Penny, J. L., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Perbix, L. E., degree, 257 Pcrcival, S. R., appointments, 110, 355, 452 Percival farm, option, 590, 606 Percy, N. M., appointment, 390 Perdue, R. P., degree, 619 Pcrea, C. H., appointment, 330 Pcrganda, R.. 341 Perkins, E. E., appointment, 339 Perkins, E. V., degree, 264 Perlman, S., degree, 269 Perlstein, S., appointments, 120, 389 Perrenot, 0. M., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Perrine, W . S., appointments, 49, 461 Perry, B. E., appointment, 325 Perry, D. E., appointment, 17 Perry, W . L.r appointment, 319 Pertzoff, L. G., degree, 630 Pesmen, W\, C.P.A. certificate, 44 Pesmen, William, degree, 624 Peters, C. L., degree, 632 Peters, R. M., degree, 253 Petersen, E., appointment, 509 Peterson,O.G.CFellowship, 267231,626452324, 407 Peterson, R.,L., degree,629256,58572, Petersen, 270appointments,260471 330 407 Pfeifcr,I. I. 0., scholarship, Pfankuchen, L.degree, 80 266 Petty, M.,M.,,S., degree, 615 360, Pettis, K. WN..E., degrees,583 Pettinger,\Y\ M.,E., appointment, Petri, PontN.,D.,appointment, 351 72, scholarship, 583 degree, 106 prize, N. R., appointments, Du fellowship, F., degree, 260 F. A., appointments, M W., H. appointment, J. A., C 223 R. 269 267

Parr, R. M., appointments, 200, 324 Parr, S. W., appointments, 313, 342 Patent coking process, see Parr Coking Process retirement, 635 Parr Coking Process French patent purchased, 151 assigned to University, 187 patent litigation, 220 purchase proposed, 474 reports, 242, 438, 468 sale contract, 495 Parrish, B. V., degree, 248 Parry, G. M., degree, 79 Parry, J. J., appointment, 326 Parsons, T. E., appointment, 340 Parilow, W . D., degrees, 81, 619 Partridge, E. G.T appointment, 324 fellowship, 583 Paschen, F. H., degree, 255 Pascua, L. G-, degree, 256 Passmore, C. O., C.P.A. certificate, 190 P.tsteur treatment, Dr. Robert Graham, 518 Patent, Brown-Knipp, see Brown-Knipp patent French, see under Parr Coking Process Kunz, see Kunz patent Parr-Layng, see Parr Coking Process Patent attorney, employment, S7 Patents, committee on, report, 102 infringement. 88 radio, negotiations for sale, 192 University, contract for use, 9 policy, 1 \$ Paterno, A. M., degree, 255 Peterson, H, C , degree, 430 Pathology and Bacteriology, budget, 360 Paton, R. F., appointments, 203, 341 Patrick, E. H., degree, 514 Patrick, R. W.. degree, 257 Pattengale, N. T., degree, 629 Patterson, C. A., appointment, 338 Patterson, J. K., degree, 619 Patterson, 0. F., degree, 430 Patterson, 0. S., degree, 613 Patterson, R. J., degree, 615 Patton, A., appointment, 320 Patton, A. E., appointment, 333 Patton, J. M., appointment, 389 Patton, L. M-, degree, 260 Patton, W . A,, degree, 253 Pauker, N., appointment, 586 Paul, A. H., degree, 615 Paul, C. T.( degree, 254 Paul, E., degree, 621 Paul, H. G., appointments, 325, 336, 522 Payton,Wassessments,291 626294 593 398 493 Payne,K.MH., J.,261 250 267331 Paxton,T.E.B.,appointment, 360 PavingO.A.Avenue, 6017, 48 Pauling,H.D.,Campus, appropriation, Paul, SouthD,,degree,20 267 14 n o 118, Pawlisch,Armorydegree, 252 Pavlin, O.O-E., validation, Paving, A.. L., degrees, 621 Paulsen,bonds, degree,593 105 commission,appointment, Stadium 252 V., Avenue, on .Street,C.P.A. 514 Library-Gymnasium, walks, degree, P., degree,80, Fourth vicinity, certificate, Florida H., appointment, approaches, A., 7,