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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS O'Donnell, T. E., appointment, 337 degree, 265 O'Donnell, T. F., degree, 260 Oehmke, G. J., appointment, 340 Ocsterling, H. C , appointment, 326 Officers, election of, 184, 542 Offlighter, H. M., degree, 624 Ogdon, M . E., appointment, 351 degree, 248 Ogg, F. C , appointments, 328, 523 fellowship, 584. O'Grndy, L. I., degree, 615 O'Hair, F. K., degree, 248 O'Hora, C, M., degrees, 268, 446 Ojemann, R. H., appointments, 335. S2-2 degree, 106 Okada, II., degree, 266 O'Kccfe, J. A., degree, 622 Olander, M . M-, appointments, 17, 202, 334, 3 5 5, 524 salary, 356 Olcott, G. W., degree, 258 Olcott, H. \V., degree, 173 Oldfather, M., degree, 610 Oldfathcr, W . A., appointments, 325, 521, 599 Oldham, H. E., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Olech, E., appointments, 71, 406 Olcsen, .1. M., Jr., degree, 251 Olesoii, P. C , degree, 610 Olin, G. M., degree, 248 Oliver, E. A., degree, 248 Oliver, R. L., degrees, 25S, 619 Oliver, T. E., appointments, 203, 330 Oliver, T. W., degree, 256 prize. 271 Olivo, H. L., degree, 632 OIkon, D. M., appointments, 110, 389 Olmstead, A. T., appointments, 201, 328, 523 Olscn, O. M., appointment, 407 Olson, B. L., degree, 258 Olson, E. O., degree, 429 Olson, G. T., degree, 174 Olson, H. E., appointment, 71 Olson, I. E. W\, degree, 261 Olson, R. C , degree, 610 Olson, S. M_, degree, 610 Olson, W . C , degree, 614 Olson, W . O., C.P.A. certificate, 44 O'Malley, Mr., Experiment Station report, 133 O'Mark, R. E., degree, 79 O'Neal, C , appointments, 317, 407 O'Neal, C. E., degree, 619 Onesto, A. \L, degree, 269 Opera Trio, Chicago, contract, 99 Operative Dentistry, budget, 364 Oren,C.P.E. H. 223appointments,610 , Orata,B.G..H.,budget,15379 146 17, 326348 Oppcrman,623R.,degree,for, 624286 o71budget, 364 Osborn, Lucile appointment, Orton, P.. of, appointments, OrthodontiaM.,H., degree, Orians, appropriationappointment, Organ, MG. T., degree,249, Clinic, Oral Surgery,andB.,Jr.,363 248 n Ophthalmology,B-,Children's254 340 Osgood, Lanedegree, 251 Osbeck, I. E., degree,degree, O'Ryan, H. W., B., 264 Orr, F. L., 170, 185621 degree,Louise appointment, scholarship, degree, 252 purchase F., budget, 80 WJ. M., .S.,degrees, 362 685 Oslund, R. M., appointment, 392 leave of absence, 591 Osmanson, G. L.. degree, 515 Osscwaardc, C. T., degree, 261 Osteopathic Association, correspondence with, 486 hearing, 38S request, 187 Osteopathic practitioners in McKinley Hospital, 229 University policy, 425 Oster, M . G., degree, 513 Otis Elevator Co., awarded contract, 181 Otology, budget, 361 Ott, E. R., degree, 429 Ott, F. C , degree, 429 Ott, W . C , commission, 622 degree, 622 Otto, C. A., degree, 632 Oury, M E., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Over, H. A., degree, 80 Overcoats, army, renovation of, 291 Overman, O. R., appointment, 348 Overtoom, L. J., degree, 260 Owen, M,., degree, 610 Owens, E. C , C.P.A. certificate, 44 Ozonoff, J. B., degree, 267 Pabst, A., degree, 173 Pabst, A. R., appointment, 194 Pacard, B-, appointment, 350 Packard, J. E., degree, 514 Paden, W . R., appointments, 279, 346 Padnos, E., degree, 629 Paeplow, E. W,, appointment, 324 Paguio, A. Q., degrees, 175, 626 Paine, E. B.. appointment, 338 Painter, H. E., degree, 269 Painter, J. R., degree, 431 Paisley, S. E,, degree, 250 Pales, H.. degree, 633 Palfrey, T. R., appointment, 231, 330 Palmer, B. B., degree, 79 Palmer, C. E., appointment, 337 Palmer, E. F., appointment, 110 Palmer, G., degree, 259 Palmer, H. E., degree, 260 Palmer, M., Jr., degree, 617 Palmer, M . £>., appointments, 71, 320 Palumbo, O. J., degree, 269 Pana experiment fields, discontinuance, 1 14 lelcase, 191 Pangborn, E. E., appointment, 342 Panlilio, V., degree, 262 Papanek, S., Jr., degree, 614 Park, O. W., appointment, n o Parker,J. E.,degree,610260 452 638 Park, S.ME.O.,W., degree, 254339338 Parks,MT.W.tF.,degree,618 261 Parr, F., .CK.,degree,248157 460 Parnell,B. Jr., E., appointment, Parmelee, 253decree,513270 Parmacek,H.,appointment, 391 degree, C. commission, F.O. CB.,degree, 622 E., degree, H. H., appointment, F. H,, C.P.A. 621 .J, J., appointment, J. L., degree, 630 M.,T., appointment, P., , degree,certificate, L., , 264 266 616
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