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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

684 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Nightingale, A. F., death, 487 Nilson, E. H., degree, 248 Nilgon, K. A., degree, 252 Nisbet, J. I., appointment, 471 Nix, W . A., scholarship, 584 Noble, B. E., appointments, 178, 406 Noble, M . S., degree, 614 Noble, W . L., elected to Executive Committee, 54» elected President of Board, 184 vote of thanks, 542 Nodinger, L., degree, 267 Nofftz, G. J., appointment, 452 Nolan, A. W., appointments, 199, 336, 521 leave of absence, 147 Noller, C. R., appointments, 603, 627 Du Pont Fellowship, 222 Non-union printing, 277 Noon, E. M., degree, 616 Nora, J. J., appointments, 224, 452 Norain, H. B,f degree, 617 Nordmann, B. F.( appointments, 17, 110, 194, 328 degree, 262 Norgaard, E., appointment, 539 Norman, G. E-, degree, 610 Norman, M., degree, 269 Norman, M . A., degree, 262 Norman, P. L., degree, 615 Norris, R, E., degree, 610 North, C , degree, 248 North, E. O., degree, 172 Norlh, G., degree, 250 Northrup, R. T., degree, 621 Norton, E. A., appointment, 345 Norton, H, M., degree, 258 Norton, L. J., appointments, 333, 344, 351 Nortridge, F. M., degree, 248 Norviel, H. B., appointment, 471 Norwood, E. E., degree, 255 Noskin, S., degree, 632 Nothenberg, A. L. A., degree, 248 Novak, J. B., degree, 267 Novotny, G. W., appointment, 406 Nowlin, O. W., degree, 446 Nowlin, W . J., degrees, 175, 630 Noyes, F. B., appointment, 364 Noyes, W . A., appointment, 323 retirement, 635 Nuhn, F. R., appointments, 327, 378, 452 degree, 262 Null, F. E., degree, 628 Null, N. O., degree, 610 Nurse, Children's Clinic, appropriation, 14 Nutrition investigation, publication requested, O'Brien,C.H.J.,appointments, 633362 Oakdfile,K.F.,report, 262263584391 561 Nye, 520 L.250CI.,appointment,lease, 335 364 Odell,L. J, CW.,appointment, O'Conor, J. J., degree,251 Ocenasek,V.experiment budget, 363, ObstetricsE.G.,, degree,632 O'Bryan, C.U.degree, 635610 iiq Oathout, WW.,J., appointment, 71 Oakley, M., E.,fellowship,633 365 Nylander,R.J.H.,degree, field 200, Odin land, 0.,degree, O'Connor, V. E,, degree. 632 Oberman, . T., appointments, Obartuch, Department, 618 degree, commission , degree, C. degree, Naumann, M . K., degree, 514 Naumann, W . H., degree, 269 Naven, B. S„ C.P.A. certificate, 44 Nay, B. E., degree, 514 Neagle, R. J., degree, 619 Nearpass, E. E., appointment, 322 Neave, S. L., degrees, 105, 512 Nebeker, H. R., degree, 250 Nebel, L. W., land purchased, 168 Neber, L. W.f degree, 631 Neckera, J. W., appointment, 324 degree, 264 fellowship, 583 Needham, D. W., degree, 610 Needier, D. W., degree, 619 Neeld, \t E., degree, 621 Neff, G. A., C.P.A. certificate, 638 Neff, G. V., degree, 248 Neiberg, C. M., degree, 446 Neill, H. D., degree, 614 Nelson, A. M., degree, 259 Nelson, C. G., degree, 257 Nelson, E. G., scholarship, 584 Nelson, F. C , degree, 626 Nelson, G. V., degree, 625 Nelson, K. M., degree, 632 Nelson, L. N., degree, 105 Nelson, R. A., appointment, 341 Nelson, S. BM degree, 6.10 Nelson, S. E., appointments, 326, 523 Nelson, S. R., degree, 248 Nemkovsky, A., degree, 621 Nesmith, P. H., degree, 610 Neubauer, C. B., degree, 431 Neuber, A. L., appointment, 3)8 salary adjustment, 9 Neumann, M . E., degree, 399 Neumann, P. E., degree, 248 Nevens, W . B., appointment, 348 Neville, H. A., appointments, 324, 5*1 Nevlns, A. S., appointments, 224 Newberg, J. M., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Newberger, C , appointments, 71, 389 Newburn, A. R., degree, 80 Ncwcomb, E. E., appointments, 71, 318 degree, 625 Newcomb, M . P., degree, 621 Newcomb, R., appointment, 337 Newcomber, H. L., appointment, 332 degree, 251 Newell, H. M., appointment, 499 Newell, M., appointment, 364 Newenham, R. L., degree, 514 Newkirk, A, F., appointment, 452 commission, 622 Niemann,D. M.,appointment, Njeman, A. .O., degree, 249 Nicolet, E.J. R.,degree, 255 Nickoley,W B.,appointment, 614 Njckol, H.,P.,A.,degree, 446 178 Nickerson,613G., appointment,632 Nichols,VV.K.,C.degree, 105, 264 329 Ngan, C.J.E.A.,degree, 618446 40*6 Newman,L..L.degree, 61061420217406 Niepodziany, degree,degree, Nielsen, A., A., appointment, Nicholson,M R., appointment, Newton, O. M., E., 267 258 Newson, H.,B., appointment, degree, C. M., degree, CO., W., degree, degrees,632250
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