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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Morey, L., appointments, 316, 332 Baker prize fund securities, authority in, 87 elected Comptroller, 184, $42 loaning of trust funds, 6 purchase of military uniforms, 5 quarterly reports, see under Comptroller Schofield scholarship report, 125 see also Comptroller Morf, F. P., degree, 616 Morgan, J. C , degree, 173 Morgan, N. D., appointments, 71, 337 Morgan, 0. V., degree, 626 Morgan, R. B., appointment, 71 Morgan, R. W., degree, 615 Morgan, W . B., degree, 610 Morrel, J. S., appointment, 328 degree, 263 Morrell, E. A., degree, 250 Morris, D. E., degree, 260 Morris, G. E-, degree, 256 Morris, J. L., degree, 628 Morris, K. J., degree, 610 Morris, N, F., degree, 250 Morris, S. B., degree, 616 Morrison, C. H., lease of Odin field, 561 Morrison, G. E., appointments, 333, 378 Morrison, R. H., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Morrison, S. W., appointments, 71, 365 Morrison, V. L., degree, 252 Morrison, W . M-, degree, 613 Morrisson, S., appointment, 359 Morrow, J. A., appointment, 321 Morsch, G. E., degree, 248 Morse, A. S., degree, 621 Morse, 0. D., degree, 632 Mortenson, E. E. B., degree, 248 Mortimer, H. M., degree, 620, Morton, C. A., degree, 610 Morton, M . I., degree, 254 Mose, H. E. H., degree, 259 Moseley, A. C , degree, 514 Moses Construction Co., C. A., contract, 569 Mosgrove, L., appointment, 351 Mosher, M . L., appointments, 178, 349, 353 Mosier, D. R., degree, 614 Mosier, H. K., degree, 248 Moskos, U. A., degree, 610 Moss, C. M-, appointment, 325 Moss, H., prize, 271 Moss, J., appointments, 140, 322 Motschman, A. V., degree, 79 Motrar, R. F., degree, 253 Moulton, G. F., degree, 80 Moulton, W . L., degree, 612 Mouzon, E. D., appointment, 328 Mueller,E.J.,G., appointment,621 391 Mullen, A. degree, degree, Mulcay, J.. F.,223degiee,618 Mulcahy,M J.H.( degree, 622 Mulberry,T.,,L., degree, 267 Mtiir, W A.,degree,614 630 Mroz, II.P. P.,C.P.A.632certificate, Mracek, T. W., C.P.A.619, 626 Mover,R.J.,D.W.,degree,614 621342 Mbxon,C.V.CL.,appointments, 71, 190 Mowery,G.B.H.,degree, certificate, 39S Muhl, L, P., degree, 252 Moiley, F. V., degrees, 263 scholarship,P., degree, 44s 0, M., degrees, 248 254, 251 80 683 Muller, J., appointments, 286, 342, 554 degiee, 256 Muller, J. F., appointments, 71, 331, 406 degree, 512 Mullins, A. M., appointment, 498 degree, 24S Mulins, E. R., degree, 428 Mumford, H. W., appointments, 344, 352 Experiment Station report., 133 recommends experiment fields discontinuance, 114 Mumm.i, F. W., appointments, 71, 498 Muncsella, A. E., degree, 621 Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, budget, 340 expense, 337 salaries, 337 Munroe, H. C , degree, 621 Murals for new Library, 458, 518, 590 Murphy, F. D., degree, 81 Murphy, F. G., appointment, 391 Murphy, F. J., appointment, 406 Murphy, J. C., degree, 618 Murphy, J. ¥., degree, 257 Murphy, J. J-, Jr., commission, 622 degree, 615 Murphy, L. M., degree, 610 Murphy, L, W., appointments, 201, 326, 406, 522 Murray, A., appointments, 318, 498 Murray, A. N., appointment, 406 Murray, E., appointment, 330 Murray. E. E,, degree, 6r4 Murray, F. F., degree, 610 Murray, G. E., appointment, 71 Murray, G. L., degree, 618 Murray, N. E., degree, 260 Murray, W . N., Jr., degree, 252 Murrell, M . T., appointment, 539 Murton, A. E.( degree, 256 Murvin, T. J., degree, 614 Muse, L. L., degree, 621 Musgrave, J. E., degree, 257 Music, School of, curriculum change, 639 piano, 548 sub-collegiate, discontinued, 204 Mussman, L. K., degree, 621 Mutual Benefit Association, agreement, 102 Myalski, W . A., degree, 251 Myers, K, H., appointments, 194, 349 degree, 626 Myers, L. E. T., degree, 514 Myers, L. .)., appointment, 326 degree, 62S Myers, M . E., degree, 260 Naber, S.271E.,appointment, 269Mfrs*. Assn., 410 Mylrea,K.,K.,H.,appointment,346 406, 554 agreeNational T. K. B.,Construction 389 Naselli, G.Boiler degree, Assn., 338 Nadeau,O.PowerR.,&appointments, Nachtigall, J.V.,degree, 621254452 Nachenberg,459agreement,265 Co., contract, coNaumnn, degree,degree, Naseef, Nasatir, R-H., Nanninga,Brick degree,446 Nance, A. M., degree, 254 Nakayama, D., Mfrs'. 631 Nagle, O. W., S.,degree, 172 Naegele, F. O., appointment, cooperative Naumann, E,, prize, operativeA. ment, Radiator 610614 549
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