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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
666 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Gould, F. D., degree, 248 Gould, R. E., appointment, 470 Gould, W . E., appointment, T93 commission, 261 degree, 257 Governing Boards of Universities, Association, 470 Gower, W . E., degree, 398 Grabarski, E. A., degree, 266 Gradle, H. S., appointment, 388 Graduate School, budget, 355 expenses, 355 salaries, 35; fellowships and scholarships, appropriations, U9, 355. 5 18 list, 222, 243, 277, 583, 602, 645 thesis requirement, 176 Graduation with honors, 529 Graduation requirements, in Pharmacy, 136 Grjdwohl, B. E., appointment, 16, 403 Graesser, R. F., appointment, 328 degree, 628 Graffis, H. A., appointments, 324, 553 Grafmyer, R. D., dairy barns purchased, 550 Graham, A. J., appointment, 39T Graham, C. A., degree, 623 Graham, C. E., degree, 173 Graham, F. S., degree, 80 Graham, G. A., scholarship, 584 Graham, K. D., degree, 267 Graham, R., appointments, 346, 353 Pasteur treatment, 518 Graham, W . J., C.P.A., certificate, 190 Grainger, A. H-, appointment, 468 Gramesly, M., appointments, 201, 354, 523 Grant, A. R., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Grant, D. I., degree, 609 Graves, K. O., degree, 258 Graves, R. B., degree, 79 Gray, A. E., degree, 26s Gray, E. R., appointment, 353 title changed, 393 Gray, H. D., appointment, 327 Gray, H. M., degree, 628 fellowship, 222 Gray, V. M., degree, 248 Greathouse, B., degree, 250 Greef, A. O., appointment, 403 Greek, for admission, 230 Green, C , degree, 262 Green, C. F., appointment, 328 Green, F,, appointment, 354 Green, H., appointments, 68, 356 salary, 357 Green, H. S., appointment, 108 Gressens,scholarshipdegree,616 68292324 130, 144, Gregoryof Memorial, appointment, 463 Gregory, J.252 R., final631invested, 585 Greenwill,79R. I.,degree,445, 585 2617, 562 Gregg, R.securities, fund, 618 Greer, D.ofD., degrees, examiner, Greenwald,W., appointment, Greenslet,S.E.committee,615630 Greenlee,bequest, commission, Greengard,O,, B.,degree,629 588, 606 Greenfield,212, appointments, 333, 516, Greene, J. MT. E., proposed, degree, S., degree, settlement, report .I., 311, 78 631 Bale degree, J., 560 641, 80 requested, C.P.A,, 629 196, M., P., W., degree, 382, S., degree, D. Glasser, J. F., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Glassoff, G. S., appointment, 538 degree, 494, Glassow, R. B., appointments, 202, 357 Glenn, M., degree, 611 Glenn, 0. J., degree, 268 Glenwright, J., Jr., degree, 251 Glickman, L. G., degree, 44-5 GI09, R., appointment, 332 degree, 254 GIos, R. E., C.P.A. certificate, 638 Glover, A.C., appointment, 344 salary adjustment, 9 Goat herd, supplementary report, 30 Gobel, J. C , degree, 612 Goble, G. W., appointments, 201, 354 Goda, L. H., degree, 613 Goddard, J. H. degree, 258 Goddard, L. P, degree 252 Godeke, F. B., degree, 258 _ Godlove, Mrs, E. H., appointment, 403 Godlove, I. H., appointments 324, 403 degree, 627 Goebel, E. C , degrees, 173, 623 Goebel, J-, amount of allowance, 636 appointments, 327 hearing, 59 retirement, 635 Goebel, O. H., degree, 613 Goebel, R. W., degree, 445 Goelitz, Rl J., degree, 248 prize, 270 Goessling, V., appointments, 327, 449 Goff, F. M., degree, 248 Goff, J, A., appointment, 339 Gohr, R, A., degree, 631 Goldberg, A. H., degree, 266 Goldberg, I., degree, 268 Goldberg, S. R., C.P.A. certificate, 638 Goldberger, S. M,, appointment, 390 Golden, C. V. M., degree, 250 Goldenseal, H. M., degree, 268 Goldsmith, J. H., degree, 631 Goldstein, A. A., degrees, 269, 631 Goldstein, B., degree, 514 Goldstein, H. M-, degree, 613 Golf club, report of transfer, 47 GoUendberg, K., degree, 431 Gonia, R. M., degree, 631 Goodall, H. M., degree, 260 Goodall, J. C , degree, 248 Goodell, H, L., degree, 255 Goodenough, A. L., appointment, 49 Goodenough, G. A., appointment, 339 elected director, 189, 563 Gough,R.L.E.,A.,A.,degree,631 357 391 Gottschalk,N.H.,J.,degree,44s255349463 461 Gosman,F.B.,T-,S.,appointments, 339 Gorenstein,M.,appointment,631 Gore,heart,E.C.degree, 259269255 49, Gordon,R.CJ.W,W.,degree,252 620 119 Goslin, Gorecki, L,, degree, 248 609 Goodwine, ,A.,appointment,248 Goodwin, O.CE. W., appoinment, Goodspeed, A. M., degree,609 Goodsmith,E„, H., degree,252332 Goodman,H.C. F.,appointment, Good F. L.A. .C.P.A. examiner, Gorchow, Goold,E. H., appointment, Goodrich, E. G., appointment, degree, 79 degree, degree, degree, degree,
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