UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 658]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Burwash, M., appointment, 320 leave of absence, 572 Busby, L., degree, 249 Busby, L. JM C.P.A. certificate, 638 Busch, L. E., degree, 620 Busey, J. K., appointment, 351 Busey, M . E., elected to executive committee, 184, 542 Bushman, J. R-, degree, 155 BushneU, D. H., degree, 616 Business Office, appropriation, 459 budget, 316 Business Organization and Operation, budget, 332 salaries, 331 Business Research, Bureau of, budget, 333 expense, 331 salaries, 331 Bussart, J. E., degree, 620 BusbcII, H. K., degree, 624 Bussey, C. B., degree, 621 Buswell, A. M., appointment, 323 Buswell, C. A., appointment, 326 Butler, C. L., degree, 265 Butler, S., degree, 513 Butler, W . G., appointments, 67, 377 Butner, B. B., degree, 608 Butterfield, F. F., degree, 615 Butters, H. E., appointment, 107 degree, 256 Bye, C. R., fellowship, 222 Byers, W . M., degree, 444 Byrne, E. R., degree, 268 Byrne, F. A., degree, 618 Byrne, F- H., appointment, 448 degrees, 247, 624 Cabinet Work, new Library, 273 Cadaval, A. G., degree, 174 Cady, G. J., fellowship, 5^4 Cagann, O. W., appointment, 332 degree, 78 Cahn, A. R-, appointment, 331 Ca ho lei a Mounds, appropriation, 426 Cain, C. R.» degree, 266 Cain, J. H., appointment, 338 Cain, J. R., appointment, 357 Caine, A. B., commission, 622 degree, 621 Caldwell, C. T., degree, 251 Caldwell, J. E., C.P.A. certificate, 398 Caldwell & Co., Edward F., contract, 283 Calhoun, M . K., degree, 608 Calkin, C. j., degree, 515 Callaway, P. M., degree, 620 Callen, C.south,277degree,617340200, 335 Cappointment, 399 Calvetti, traffic,appointment,328,625 Cameron,development, 62167, 321 348 Calvin, F.T.K.,K.,appointments, 252 Callen, M.,E.,M., clearingdegree, 430 Campbell,S. .A., regulations, 390 523 Camp, R. A.,H., degree, 430 114. 592 Campus, E. L., degree, 247 CampusA. J.,E., degree, 267 Campbell,C.f N., degree, ground, scholarship,appointments, J. C. B., degrees,62s A. Elbridge,256429 J. Edward, 221 259 F. degree, 263 25*, R. appointment, M.,degree, degree, M A., appointment, G. H., degree, 243


Canan, M . C-, degree, 629 Canavan, W . P., appointment, 67 Cannon, C. R., degree, 174 Cannon, R. S., degree, 617 Canter, E. M „ degree, 608 Canter, H. V., appointment, 322, 325, 521 salary adjustment, 427 Canter, H. V., Jr., commission, 622 degree, 608 Cantlon, R-, appointment, 401 Car, President's .report, 394» 560 Card, H. H., degree, 608 Card, L. E., appointment, 346 Carelli, P. V., Jr., degree, 629 Carey, G. H., degree, 608 Carhart, R. M., degree, 252 Carl, E. P., degree, 619 Carl, L* A., degree, 613 Carlock, M . L., degree, 263 Carlsen, D. A., appointments, 177, 332 Carlson, Mrs. A. D„, appointments, 326, 377 CarhorL, C. H., degree, 616 Carlson, H. G-, degree, 258 Carlson, S. W., degree, 255 Carlton, F. T., appointment, 333 Carman, A. P., appointment, 341 Carman, G. G., degree, 163 Carman, M . G,, appointment, 328 degree, 266 Carman, R., degree, 262 Carmichael, E. L., degrees, 249, 624 Carmichael, G. N., degree, 608 Carmichael, R. D,, appointments, 202, 328 Carmichael, R. S., degree, 608 Carnahan, D. H., appointments, 330, 525 Carney, A. M., degree, 428 Caro, M . R., degree, 266 Caron, E. J., degree, 268 Caron, E. M., degree, 269 Caron, R. P., degrees, 268, 444 Carothers, W . H., appointments, 200, 324 Carpenter, H. I., land purchased, 384 Carpenter, K. D., degree, 613 scholarship, 584 Carpenter, L. B., degree, 106 Carpenter, L. V., degree, 626 Carpenter, P. D., appointment, 365 degree, 268 Carpenter, P. F., degree, 613 Carqueville, M . T., degree, 247 Carr, C. E., degree, 629 Carr, W . A., degree, 258 Carr, W . J., degree, 514 Carrell, W . D., degree, 267 Carroll, G., appointment, 448 Carson-PaysonS., „degree, insurance,conCarroll,will,W.,degree,certificate, 298377 545 Carter,E,, .appointment,595247lease,186 Carter property, resolutions, drain 346 Carter-PennellC.P.A. farms,for, 44 188, Carthage Experimentfield, 593 189 Carver,B. H., Trust, 398 Carty, Estate, loans, resolution, Cartinhour,E.,degree, rules 106346, 171 Cary, C. 206, Co.,degree, 180, nection, E., degree, 608 report, M., buildings,389 83, managers,R.,report, 468 D. J.,638T contracts, P. 519 Trust 80 E. E.G. 563 F. A., appointments, E. E., F. probated, 400 W 259 251