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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Baskin, R. E., degree, 620 Btu, H. H., degree, 431 Base, F. B-, degrees, 269, 631 Bassett, C. F„ appointments, 107, 192, 327 Bassett, V. V., degree, 262 Baisie, W . R„ degree, 616 Baita, J. O., degree, 631 Bate man, D. E., appointment, 324 degree, 262 fellowship, 583 Bate man, £. T., degree, 618 Bateraan, M . B., degree, 620 Bates, M . M., appointment, 360 Batko, J. B., degree, 267 Batman, C. L., degree, 259 Batman, D., appointments, 66, 177 Bauer, E. E., appointment, 338 Bauer, F. A., degree, 613 BAuer, F. C , appointments, 345, 353 Bauer, ]., degree, 513 Bauer, M . C , degree, 259 Baugbman., H. E., degree, 247 Baughman, P. H., degree, 255 Bauld, K. E., degree, 608 Baumann Poe Mfg. Co., contracts, 273, 571 Baumgardner, A., degree, 247 Baumgartner, G. J., degree, 444 Bauml, J. L., degree, 268 Baumruclcer, E. F., degree, 631 Bauser, T. R., degree, 309 Baxter, F. N., appointment, 401 degrees, 398, 023 Baxter, G, M M degree, 608 Baxter, O. W., appointment, 66 Baxter, R. K., appointment, 364 Baxter, T. H., appointments, 192, 447 Baxter, W., appointments, 107, 326, 447. 553 Baxter, W . O., degree, 623 Bayles, L. M., degree, 620 Bayley, W . S., appointment, 327 Bazore, K... appointments, 166, 350 Beach, A. t», degree, 25° Beach, W . E., degree, 399 Beadles, J. R., appointment, 347 Beat, G, D., appointments, 200, 323 Beale, L. R., appointment, 447 Beall, K.S., degree, 514 Beam, Mrs. M . W., appointment, 553 Beam, P. C , degree, 252 Bean, F. JL, appointment, 470 Bean, S. C , degree, 616 Beane, H. E., appointment, 332 degree, 2s1 Beard, H., appointment, 388 Beard, J. H., appointment, 357 Beardsley,MMemorial degree,390290 44 Beedle, P.R.A.,degree, 616 Beds, J.G.,K., C.P.A. 608 Beckwith, G.,, appointments,329 Becker, H.613H.Hospitalcertificate, Beck, hospital,commission, 461 Bechtold,E.,H..appointment, 259327 Beaver, H..J., appointment,62276 Beaugureau,Cappointment, 517315 Beatty,T.C«47appoiDtment, 320177, 553 Beeby, J.G.,D.,degree, 611 Beazley,E>,W., degree, 618 Beau McKinley appointment, n to man, R., appropriation, Beebe, G. .degree, (and, Beaumont M., tdegree,staff, degree, F., Mappointment, d«J?r"1i M«, „ 255253 W degree, 172 247 E., E.t F. 1. 608 6JI Beem, W . E„ degree, 79 Beggs, T. P., degree, 616 BegueBse, H. H-, degrees, 175, 629 Behrens, M . A., appointments, 332, 377 Behrens, N. W.» degree, 6r9 Beiser, C. H., degree, 251 Belford, R. L., degree, 256 Bell, C. M., degree, 159 Beit, D- A. N-, degree, 79 Bell, J. C , degree, 352 Bell, J. F., appointments, 177, 401 degree, 78 Bell, M . A., degree, 259 Bell, M . E., degree, 247 Bell, N. I., degree, 247 Bell, P. P., degree, 173 Bell, V. T,, degree, 608 Bell Telephone Co., contract, 1*17 Belnap, H. E,, degree, 444 Betshaw, F. E., degree, 621 Belshaw, M . L., degree, 249 Belsley, M . H., degree, 608 scholarship, $84 Belting, J. T., degree, 629 Beli, A. F., degree, 631 Benbow, F. W., degree, 630 Benda, F. J., degree, 258 Bender, H. A., appointment, 328 Bendix Brake Co., gift, 592 Bendle, C J., degree, 251 Benedetto, J. M., degree, 267 Benedict, A., degree, 174 Benedict, B. W., appointment, 339 Beneficiaries, death benefit, designation, 572 Bengston, H., degree, 263 Bengtson, B, N., degrees, 267, 512 Benjamin, A. C , appointments, 329, 524 Benjamin, P. K., degree, 620 Bennett, C. D., degree, 255 Bennett, C. W., degree, 612 Bennett, E. F., degree, 444 Bennett, G., appointment, 66 Bennett, G. H., degree, 513 Bennett, J. H., degree, 173 Bennett, J. L., degree, 247 Bennett, N., degree, 608 Bennett, T. L., appointments, 328, 401, 5n, 523 Bennett, T. M., degree, 623 scholarship, 223 Bennett, W . H., degree, 629 Bennett, W . L., appointments, 316, 325 Bennitt, F, P., degree, 106 Bensema, C. E,, degree, 629 Benson, E. G., scholarship, $84 Bergeim,adjustment,E.,629 361329 Bequest,C.428appointment, 60281 329192 Benson,of0.,R.,appointment,203, 447 354, 523 Beresford,513appointments, 326 Berdahl, J,A.,degree, 9 527 447 Berardi, WG.WA.,degree,appointment, Benzie, Samuel,degree, 506 349516 Bentley, G.Gertrude550degree,354 Berg, H. M.,B,, appointment, Berchtold,absence, appointment, salary W.. E., den, 249 269, leave P.,van degrees,629 Hawels,C.E.,E.,42 appointments, degree, Eaten, appointment, Hare, W.,.appointment, O. I. H., appointment, C. J. van Jessie, 512 0. A., den, D, 399
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