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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

650 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Baldwin, M . LM degree, 620 Baldwin, V. M., appointments, 177, 347 degree, 173 Baldwin, T. W., appointments, 296, 326, 522 Bales, E. J., degree, 616 Balin, M., appointment, 401 degree, 269 Bali, D. K., degree, 612 scholarship, 584 Ball, G. J., appointment, 505 Ball, J. B., appointments, 347, 377 degree, 431 Ball, S. S., degree, 255 Ballantine, H. W., C.P.A. committee, 463 Ballard, F. B., degree, 250 Ballard, L. A., degree, 429 BaUer, J. E., appointment, 645 Balsley, S. J., degree, 247 Bamber, L, EM appointment, 331 Bamberger, A., appointment, 391 Bancroft, B. R., degree, 629 Bands, Military, set Military Bands Bandy, J. H., degree, 613 scholarship, 584 Bandy, L. W., degree, 260 Bane, M . L., degree, 250 Banister, G., degree, 617 Bannister, C , degree, 515 Banno, T., degree, 264 Banta, C. E., degree, 173 Banta, E. B., degree, 247 Banton, H. J., degree, 629 Barber, A. C., degrees, 247, 629 Barber, A. H., executor, Carter Estate, 593 Barber, C. D., degrees, 249, 623 scholarship, 222 Barber, C. F., degree, 629 Barber, J, M., appointments, 326, 401 Barber, M . B., appointments, 119, 447 Barcu«, G. L., appointment, 166 Barcus, 0. G., degree, 80 Bard, R., degree, 267 Bard well, W . U., degree, 247 Barker, I. C , scholarship, 222 Barkley, P. C., degree, 247 BarneB, H. B., degree, 252 Barnes, I. M., appointment, 350 Barnes, M . H., C.P.A. certificate, 190 Barnes, R. S., degree, 259 Barnes, W . E., Jr., degree, 631 Barnett, F. N., degree, 258 Barnett, J. A., degree, 631 Barr, C , degree, 608 Barr, D. L., appointment, 107 degree, G., appointment, Baskes,N.H.590appointments, 325, 401 Bashaw,K.E.W.,amount621255349350 Baseman,C..WE.,degree,414,allowance, 636 BaseballH.H.Cdegree, 608631468388 342, 447 Barton,t.grand-stand, 257255 321, Bartow,J.E.L.,635degree,of Barto,J.V.,S.,commission, 277, Bartling,C.T.,A.,325 631622 314 Bartlc, H.WE.,G.,degree,251269, 516 Bartholomew, degree, 173 Battels, 613degree, 266 Barta, 430, appointment, Barryte, W., „degree, 618 Barry,R. J., B.,appointment, Barrett, C.J.,H.,degrees, Barr, L. M., appointments, retirement, hearing, L., degree, appointment, degree, degree, AuBtin, T. E., degree, 429 Austin, V. O., degree, 252 Austin Manufacturing Co., gift, IJO Automobile for Agricultural Extension, 64s for President, 394, 560 Automobiles, campus regulations, 43, 114 private, University use, 206 labb, E. H., degree, 608 Babbage, J., degree, 618 Babbitt, H. E., appointment, 340 Babbitt, R. M., Jr., commission, 622 degree, 608 Babcock, K. C , appointments, 315, 322 leave of absence, 397 Babicky, FM degree, 618 Babson, F. K., gift, 549 Baccus, J. H,, degree, 259 Bach, E. L., degree, 613 Bachem, A., appointments, 127, 362 title changed, 199 Bacon, A. T., C.P.A. examiner, 463 Bacon, C* M., degree, 251 Bacon, C* S., appointments, 389, 427 professor emeritus, 50$ Bacteriology, budget, 323 expense, 322 salaries, 322 Bacteriology and Pathology budget, 360 Baden, P. A., degree, 619 Badger, C. J., appointment, 346 Baer, J. G., degree, 615 Baer, R. E., degree, 608 Baewsky, L. S., degree, 516 Bagley, F. A., degree, 266 Bagley, H. A., degree, 429 Bagott, A,, appointments, 317, 401 Bailey, B.J,, degree, 6 n Bailey, C. M., appointments, 323, 401 degree, 622 Bailey, H. 0-, degree, 252 Bailey, H. P*, degree, 259 Bailey, H. W., appointment, 202 degree, 628 fellowship, 223 Bailey, L., appointment, 337 Bailey, M . E., degree, 259 Bailey, W . F., degree, 263 Bailey and Himcs, contract, 285 Bailie, R. M., degree, 265 Bailie, V. W., appointment, 317 BaiUe-Barrelle patent, assigned to University, 187 purchased, 151 Baily, H. H., appointment, 332 Batrd, G. B„, degree, 79 Baldwin, B.,H,, degree, 252331 Balduf,MG,J.,,E.,appointments, 201, 325 Baker'sJ...J.CEstella E.,£15 223Pharmacy, Baker K.E.V.,degree, 271appointment, 521 Baker,prizeE.,appointment,for200, 322, 447544 Bairstow, CCfund securities,444 Baird, R. VM degree, 608608377 F. A., ,scholarship, 342 Edna appointments,87 E. H., degrees,620 25833S Mrs. degree,250 D.,E., appointment, 327 D. L., appointment, J. R.; prize, 620 J. J., appointment, I. O., degree, Building, refitting W A., degree, 250 254 247 Si,
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