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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Appropriation, cont'd. lot 22, 148 lot 29, 548 lot 86, 478 lot 160, 82 indebtedness, 83 Cook County Truck Experiment Farm, 136 Ells, 5 Hessel, 490 Lloyd and Martin property, 44 Roland property, 274 Landscape Gardening summer school, 177 Law, College of, binding books, 9 Library, moving expense, 367 loud speaker apparatus, Gymnasium, 367 meats refrigerating laboratory, 505 Medical library, 148, 505 stacks, 171 Medical Research Hospital, expense, 42 heating and water, 114 help, 149 Military bands, 518 Military equipment, 9 Military overcoats, renovation, 8, 291 moving, Library, 367 tenant houses, 367 Music School, piano, 548 nutrition investigation, 520 organ, Recital Hall, 146 panic locks, Auditorium, Gymnasium, 599 parade ground, grading, 367 PaBteur treatment, 518 Patents Committee, 102 paving, Armory Avenue, 367 Fourth Street, 7 south campus, 571 Stadium approaches, 7 aving and lighting assessments, 118, 493 harmacy, School of, 458 equipment and salaries, 5 Physical Education for women, [49 Physical Plant Extension budget, 493 Physicians and Surgeons bonds, purchase, 242, 460 Piatt, C. A., services, 593 President's car, 394 printing 1924 biennial report, 230 property, C. S. Dale, 273 Stebbins and Walcott, 47 Prussing Be Co., 305 repairs, Carter property, 594 South Farm drainage project, 367 Stadium, grounds improvements, 83, ti8 trees, 136 Aronson, southapparatus,629 339 Arooson, grading,degree, 571 •339 Arnold, C.E.„Additioa,buildings, Arneson, M.,M.,degree,255290419 of 518 177 Arndt, F.new,appointment, 359 report buildArchitectsJ.P.,Architecture Building,newof, jri Aronofsky,14C 7degree,B. 620 Gardening, Arntzen, 106M., degree,254 107 Architect'sWB.,,degree,295 Faulkner, 29s Archer, I. Addition, 385 summer for appointment, sterilization Architect, studies Pharmacy7 Armory D., campus,631 degree, N-, appointment, turbine, R., degree, 398 tiling,L. school,new lots, traveling E., new 174 Supervising wells, expenses, walks,R. fees, Landscape ings, 649 Arrick, D. C , degree, 613 Arlington, J. N., scholarship, 584 Art and Design, budget, 322 expense, 322 salaries, 322 Arthur, G. L^ degree, 247 Arvin, J. A., degree, 251, 625 scholarship, 222 Ash, E. R-, degree, 259 ABhbaugh, B. V., degree, 81 Aehby, R. C-, appointment, 550 Asher, O., appointments, 286, 335 Ashton, M „ appointment, 330 Askey, R. 0., degree, 616 Asman, C. F., contract, 638 Assessment, Urbana lighting system, 415, 493 Assistants, for Political Science, 495 Sociology, 495 Assistantship, research, gift of, 43 Architecture, budget, 337 expense, 337 aaiaries, 337 Architecture Building, appropriation, 295 architects, 295 location, 221 plans, 525 Architecture fellowship, Plym, awarded, 78, 23 I, 276, S99 Architecture prize, Christian Gross, established 505 Arends, L. v., degree, 259 Aries, H. S., appointments, 362, 447 Arkema, H. P., degree, 617 Armington, M . E.. degree, 254 Armitage, R. B., degrees, 268, 444 Armory Addition, appropriation, 295 architects, 295 contract, 571 heating equipment, 641 plumbing contract, 640 wiring contract, 640, 644 Armory Avenue, paving, 294 Armstrong, A. A., appointments, 49, 460 Armstrong, B. M,, appointment, 328 Armstrong, G. B., appointment, 353 title changed, 393 Armstrong, G. C , degree, 616 Armstrong, J. L., degree, 611 Armstrong, M., degree, 611 Armstrong, R. C , degree, 267 Armstrong, R. E-, degree, 250 Armstrong, R. W., appointments, 277, 342 degree, 255 Astronomy, budget, 322 expense, 322 Austin,D.plotting degree,397316 394, Augustine,J-,panic 84,229267254 189, 563 Auble,reports,V.,degree,247242,324, 432, Athleticrepaired,appointment, 243 research Atanasoff,.274E„,appointments,66321 401 598 Auditorium,P.,367171, 618 Auditing G.334degree, 190599 Audit 227, J. .Physical212, Attract, Coaching, budget, Attick, ME.project, degree, Atkinson,Division, budget, 334 AthleticsAssociation, directors, Athanas,R.C.V.,E., locks* 173 in, ventilating, appointment, piers and degree, Education, salaries, J. 50,scholarship, expense, 397E., of,227,249 research 322 wood, W sold, 334 L-, M-, M.,
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