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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX Aaronson, A L., appointment, 377 Agriculture, electricity m, 171 degree, 629 Agriculture committee, report, 561, 588 A. A. U. W . membership, 50 Agriculture scholarships, extension, 9 Abbell, M., C.P.A. certificate, too Agriculturist, appropriation cancelled, 191 Abbott, A. K., scholarship, 584 to high schools, 149 Abbott, A. N., appointments, 40, 461 Agronomy, balances appropriated, 39 Abbott, H. C , degree, 265 budget, 34S Abel, T. F., appointments, 330, 377, 585 building, remodeling, 365 Abel, Mrs. T. M., appointments, 447, 538 cottage, 82 Abetaon, S. M., degree, 629 expense, 343 Aber, L. M., degree, 620 Pana experimentfielddiscontinued, 114 Abrams, A. J., degree, 255 Vienna experimentfielddiscontinued, Abramson, W . F., degree, 444 272, 298 Absence, leave of, see Leave of absence salaries, 343 Accident compensation, awarded, 479 Aguilar, I. T., degree, 613 report, 40 Ahlstrand, A. O., degree, 619 request, 640 Aikman, R. W., C.P.A, certificate, 190 Accountancy Act, new, 291 Aker, L. P., degree, 513 reports, 462, 559 Albach, M., degree, 444 Accountancy Committee, appointment, 276 Albert, V. M., appointments, 203, 341 report, 151, 466 degree, 263 Accredited schools, 197 Albert, H. D., degree, 514 Ackerman, A. J., degree, 252 Albert, P. M., degree, 613 Ackermann, W . B., C.P.A. certificate, tgo Alberts, H. W-, degree, 513 Ackley, A. M., appointment, 66 Albrecht, P. G., degree, 444 Acosta, E. V., appointments, 330, 525 Albright, D., appointments, 119, 223, 316 Adair, C. G., degree, 259 Albright, J. M., degree, 253 Adams, A. B-, degree, 263 Alcivar, E., degree, 444 Adams, L. A*, appointment, 331 Alcock, G. E., appointment, 353 Adams, L. R., degree, 247 Aldrich, C. W., degree, 631 Adams, R., appointments, 200, 523, 521, 599 Aldrich, E. T., degree, 252 discovery, leprosy treatment, S92 Aleshire, M . E., degree, 249 Adams, W . G., degree, 174 Alexander, D, S., degree, 81 Adams, W . R., degree, 629 Alexander* E. H., appointment, 447 Adams, W . S., appointment, 400 Alexander, J.> appointments, 330, 525 Adams and Hatch Funds, 344 degree, 263 Adamstone, F. B., appointments, 15, 331 Alexander, M . H-, degree, 257 Addes, M . W., degree, 268 Alford, F, L., degree, 267 Addresses of former students, sale of lists AH a 16, I. A., degree, 619 proposed, 203 AJleman, N . J,, appointment, 645 Adducci, D. E., degree, 431 degree, 617 Ade, B. F., degree, 257 Allen, C. E., appointment, 332 Aden, C. F„ appointment, 318 degree, 400 Adkins, W.J., degree, 608 Allen, C. L., appointment, 400 Adler, H. M., appointment, 294 Allen, D. C , degree, 608 Adler, J., degrees, 81, 444 Allen, F. M., degree, 247 647 Administration Building, name extended to Allen, H. J., degree, 258 east wing, 637 Allen, K. G., degree, 429 Administrative offices, summary, 314 Allen, L. R., degree, 514 Admission, chemistry, language requireAllen, Lilburn, appointments, 66, 34A ment, 230 Allen, Lucile, appointment, 353 Admission to College of Medicine, requireAllen, M- E., degree, 247 ments, 139 Allen, OIie,.lot purchased from, 114 Admission, Division of? budget, 317 propertyi option, 45 Advertising of University, 277 purchased, 82 Agriculture,Building,federal520, 336 114 Agriculture G., contracts,350 562,190460 Agricultural334 C.P.A. certificate,49(365 Agasim, L. 334activities,411sidewalks,598 343 Agar, H. L.,balances,new, funds, 298 extension service, discontinuance, experimentExperiment budget, 343 commercialnew, 365committees,budget, buildings, Education, budgetary research, 171, old, remodeling, of, salaries, College 642 58948 expense, Economics, Station,351 Memorial,39 advisory fields, needs, appointment, Amelotti, R.,82 degree, 430 Ambrose,F.H.appointments, 348 Almond,B.A.R. appointment, 321 Allnutt,records,degree,254 45461 Allison,H.T-,I.,R., degree, certificate, Allentharp,H.,degree, 5on, 612 585 Allen R.,A.J.,degree, 43049, 336, 377 44 Allen,property,A., appointments, 277, 391 Amberson,appointments,14 Alumni D.E.,S., degree,250 Alter, R.C. B., appointment, Alsterlund, O., option 613 Alseth,D.L.444 R., C.P.A. Ambuhl, G. budget,268 purchase,B., appointment, degree, N., 318
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