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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
644 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [June 12 tion of $130 for the session, and Chaperone of the Woman's Residence Hall Annex, from September, 1926, to June, 1927, at a compensation of $400 for the period. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this recommendation w a s concurred in. ELECTRIC WIRING FOR ARMORY (2) A statement concerning the bids on the electric wiring for the Armory Addition and the Library Stack room (pages 640, 641): On Saturday I submitted recommendations from the Supervising Architect concerning the award of contracts for the electrical work in the additions to the Armory and the Library. These contracts were awarded to the Marrs-Tanner Electric Company. The Supervising Architect has sent m e a letter today in which he states that by some oversight one of the bids, that of the Hatfield Electric Company of Indianapolis, duly submitted in accordance with the specifications for the submission of bids on this work, was overlooked when the bids were opened in his office on the afternoon of the 12th. This bid is $6718 for the Library wiring and $7580 for the Armory, with deduction of il/x percent if both bids are accepted. Professor White further states that the bid of the Hatfield Company was mailed, according to the post mark, at 8:00 p. m , June 9. H e further states that the Hatfield bid was received and recorded in his office on June 10. The certified check for $430 enclosed in the letter was certified by the Merchants' National Bank of Indianapolis on June 9. H e then states, "The bid was mislaid in m y office and not opened with the other bids at two o'clock on the afternoon of the 12th. The bids in both cases are over $1000 lower than the low bid as listed when the other bids were opened." Professor White further says, "I called Mr. Tanner of the Marrs-Tanner Electric Company, on long distance on Saturday evening, as he was present when the bids were opened, and explained the situation to him." Professor White recommends that the vote of the Board on Saturday awarding the contracts for the electrical work for the additions to the Armory and Library be reconsidered and rescinded and that the award be made to the Hatfield Electric Company as being the lowest bidder. Professor White says that he will inform all the bidders of this incident, so that all may understand it. The error is regrettable, but the procedure recommended by Professor White seems to m e proper and I concur in his recommendation with the proviso that the facts be set forth in the Minutes as I have given them above and that all interested be duly informed. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , the action of J u n e 12 (page 640, paragraph 29) w a s rescinded. O n motion of M r s . Ickes, a n d in view of the fact that the records in the Supervising Architect's office s h o w the receipt of this bid regularly a n d in d u e time, the contract for the electrical wiring for the addition to the A r m o r y w a s a w a r d e d to the Hatfield Electric C o m p a n y , the low bidders. ELECTRIC WIRING FOR LIBRARY On motion of Mrs. Evans, the action of June 12 (page 641, paragraph 32) was rescinded. O n motion of Mr. Armstrong, and in view of the fact that the records in the Supervising Architect's office show that the bid from the Hatfield Electric Company was received regularly and in due time, the contract for the electrical wiring for the Library Stack R o o m was awarded to the Hatfield Company, the low bidders. BUDGETARY N E E D S FOR NEXT BtENNIUM (3) A request for a hearing of Director A. M . Shelton and the Directors t>f the State Scientific Surveys, and of the Deans of the colleges and the Directors of the schools of the University with respect to the budgetary needs for the next biennium.
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