Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Special Funds and Appropriations Boiler House Addition Carr Tree Planting Class of 1918 Tree Planting Horticulture Field Laboratory Land Medical Research Laboratory Ipjo-1921 2082884 1921-1923.... 35449916 McKinley Hospital Equipment 20 446 98 Natural History Hall Addition 4 517 77 New Agriculture Building 1921-1923 345 116 37 New Agriculture Buildings 1923-1925 Beef Cattle Feeding Plant 268 20 268 20 Dairy Cattle Barns 10 317 50 Dairy Manufacturers Building 15 113 20 Poultry Building 787713 Swine Plant 232706 Tractor Laboratory—Stare2 , 15 000 00 Tractor Laboratory—Local 12 000 00 Work Horse Implement Barn 18837 Total (51 091 46) New Commerce Building 61 655 10 New Library Building 77 994 24 New Women's Residence Hall Men's Gymnasium D) 51 672 99 Sub-totals (Schedule (1 007 912 34) 881 86 S T A T E M E N T OF T H E ACCOUNTS FOR L A N D A N D BUILDINGS AS AT JUNE 30, 1924 1924-25 1923-24 Balances in Reserved for AppropriaBiennium ApOutstanding EncumBalances tions and Disbursepropriations Encumbrances Lapsed Credits ments June 30,1924 brances 582 io'J5 60 000 00 60 ooi S8S 99 60 000 00 $ 582 10 367 69' 60 00 45 346 04 I 764 311 18503 47 3 17 549 79 3 20 446 98' 1 880 57 661 581 1082884 30738881 4 517 77 34257422 (8 399 61) 54 70 25 SO (56 322 41) 30 00 8 399 61 Unencumbered Balances June 30,1924 $ 60 coo 00 60 coo 00 10 317 50 6713 59 787713 232706 15 000 00 \ 11 256 35 / 18837 (4269185) 61 600 40 77 968 74 51 672 27) 882 86 (927 676 99 49 731 80 49 731 80 2 002 00 37 680 50 39 682 50 129 865 49 5S 024 81 184 890 30 >3 58J 5» 3 S4< 35 17 122 87 743 6j 17 672 94 17 672 94 19 811 63 (328 912 04) (145 449 01) 19 811 63 438 399 60 397 871 80 (183 463 03) 40 527 80 672 031 26 521 768 71 (23 882 66)i 448 117 14 150 262 55 359 254 46 88 862 68 249 327 01 (2 256 787 05) (I 424 343 98) 249 327 01 (832 443 07)