Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

580 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 14 Schedule O (Cont'd) TRUST FUNDS AS AT MARCH 31, 1926 Total of Total of Permanent Expendable Funds Funds Investments and Receivables Cash Deposit Funds Accountancy Committee (C. P. A. Examinations) 14 272 02 14 272 02 Agronomy, Special Fund 716 58 716 58 Chicago Student Deposits 7 970 05 7 970 05 Cooperative Rooming Fund 568 55 568 55 Entrance Examinations 977 65 977 65 Graduate School Thesis Deposits.... 6 896 61 6 896 61 Key Deposits 1 119 10 1 119 10 Military Deposits 41 37000 41 37000 Military Equipment 4 558 94 4 558 94 Towel rund—Men's 2 139 78 2 139 78 Towel Fund—Women's 870 50 870 50 Totals, Deposit Funds (81 459 78) (81 459 78) University Organization's Funds Hospital Association 22 274 63 17 434 98 4 839 65 Military Band 49 69* 49 69* Military Band Reserve 550 49 497 04 53 45 Star Course 6 941 29 4 508 60 2 432 69 Star Course Reserve. 1 001 00 1 001 00 University Choral Society. 270 34 270 34 Woman's Athletic Association....... I 772 32 1 772 32 Totals, University Organizations Funds (32 760 38) (23 441 62) (9 318 76) Grand Totals* Trust Funds. .. .#36* 423 47 $15° 611 25 $383 371 92 #130 662 80 •Overdraft