Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
576 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 14 Schedule D SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS AS OF MARCH 31, 1 2 96 Total DisburseEncumCredits ments brancts Administration and General Expense $398 006 48 $172 838 77 $ 67 407 53 Library 204 961 71 146 978 74 43 3 16 80 Agriculture University Appropriation, I 044 622 04 764 929 09 152 212 19 Smith-Lever 232 973 68 170 042 63 24 567 88 Liberal Arts and Sciences. . 973 709 13 . 697 586 26 234 794 36 Engineering 659 180 92 451 848 90 164 190 io Graduate School 68 637 60 35 697 02 14 097 74 Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy 660 235 81 435 831 23 118 977 13 Law 64 941 27 47 120 11 15 270 20 Library School 17 493 50 11 832 59 4 056 64 Military 24 070 58 12 837 00 3 616 79 Music 46 053 82 32 633 69 12 525 30 *i 540 138 33 Physical Welfare 119 690 34 8670075 3015238 5 353 95 4 Summer Session, 1925 68 60s 63 66 089 33 80 02 $2 355 761 14 Summer Session, 1926 75 000 00 244 87 1 006 66 Education 170 713 72 115 587 67 41 978 42 Commerce 205 610 58 140 247 66 56 815 72 Physical Plant Operation 600 000 00 429 265 40 5 711 75 Extension 214 245 75 164 137 46 14 *55 82 Sub-totals $5 848 752 56 $4 082 449 17 $1 005 033 43 Land & Buildings Special Funds & Appropriations. $3 023 075 93 $1 118 SS3 56 $ 364 38404 Appropriations from General Funds 456 288 95 370 805 08 31 129 91 Grand Totals $9 328 117 44 $5 571 807 81 $1 400 547 39 Balanets $ 57 760 18 1 666 17 4 1 7480 76 2 3 363 '7 8 4 328 51 1 4 842 92 3 141 84 1 8 105 427 45 2 550 96 1 604 27 7 616 79 894 83 837 21 2 436 28 2 748 47 7 3 1 147 63 3 8 547 20 1 5 022 85 6 3 852 47 5 #761 269 96 Fr,f t