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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1926] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 573 Schedule A RESERVE AND CONTINGENT FUND QUARTER ENDING M A R C H 31, 1926 Balance Forward December 31, 1925 $146 819 63 Add-. Estimated Income from Cook Co. Experiment Station Sales .... $1 200 00 Donation for Research in Athletics (Additional) 300 00 Unused 1924-25 Balances Lapsed (Previously carried forward to cover encumbrances but unused) 603 23 2 103 23 $148 922 86 Dtdvct: Appropriations made by Board of Trustees Meeting Jan. 11, 1926 Cook County Experiment Station I 200 00 Reconstruction 01 Old Creamery Laboratory 2 000 00 Medical Library 5 500 00 Death Benefits (W. L. Harris) 350 00 Meeting Feb. 13, 1926 Death Benefits (Fogarty) , 406 55 Military Bands.,.. 150 00 Animal Pathology Station 42 00 Nutrition Investigation 2 000 00 Decorating N e w Library (Additional) 250 00 Meeting March 9, 1926 Business Office Salaries 2 000 00 School of Music Pianos 250 00 Grading Florida Avenue 209 20 Land (Lot 29 College Place) 2 700 00 Remodelling Institute of Juvenile Research Building 4 000 00 Supply Room in N e w Gymnasium 900 00 21 957 75 Adjustments in Salary Budget Appropriations University Press. 180 00 English 1 850 00 Geology 270 00 German I7S 00 History . 350 00 Mathematics r8o 00 Physiology. 300 00 Political Science.. 400 00 Zoology SSO 00 Medical ObstetrtcB and Gynecology 2 500 00 Hospital Laboratory 120 00 H o m e Economics Education , 200 00 7 075 00 Additional Assignment for Research in Athletics. ...... 300 00 To adjust appropriation to McKinley Hospital Equipment to amount shown on p. 411 Board Minutes 10 00 Assignments to cover Incidental Expenditures for the Quarter 7 77 *9 35° 5» Balanct March 31; 1926 (S« Schedule P) $l 19 57J 3*
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