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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1926] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 571 O n motion of M r s . Busey, this appointment w a s m a d e . BIDS ON ARMORY ADDITION (16) I have received from Professor James M . White, Supervising Architect, and submit herewith schedule of the bids received April 9, on the general contract for the additions to the Armory. Professor White recommends that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Mr. A. W . Stoolman, on the basis of his bid of $331,987. I concur in this recommendation. The bids are as follows: Deduct for use oj rail Bidder Main Bid steel reinforcing A. W . Stoolman, Champaign, Illinois $331,987 $250 Bartleson and Ness, Freeport, Illinois 344,400 500 English Brothers, Champaign, Illinois 349,800 700 Murch Brothers Construction Company, St. Louis Missouri 353>94° 800 Humes Deal Company, St. Louis, Missouri 355,571 none Henry Horst & Company, Rock Island, Illinois 389,000 30c O n motion of M r s . Evans, this recommendation w a s concurred in. MEN'S GYMNASIUM ADDITION—SLATE ROOF (17) A statement from the Supervising Architect giving bids on the Men's Gymnasium addition and recommending that the contract be awarded J. Smith & Company for $14,415. I concur in the recommendation. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this recommendation w a s approved. DELIVERY DESK IN NEW LIBRARY (18) The following statement from the Supervising Architect giving bids and recommending that the award for the delivery desk in the new Library be given to the Baumann-Poe Manufacturing Company. I concur in the recommendation. W e have received bids on the delivery desk in the New Library as follows: Baumann-Poe Manufacturing Company $3,763 Library Bureau 4,223 As the Baumann-Poe Manufacturing Company i the low bidder and also has s the contract for other millwork in the Library I recommend that the award be made to them. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this recommendation w a s approved. APPROPRIATION FOR WALK (19) I recommend on request of the Supervising Architect that an appropriation °f $3>75° be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund to cany a walk eight feet wide from the new Library on the south side through to Fourth Street, with a branch south on the east side of the New Gymnasium to connect with all three of the entrances. O n motion of M r . Noble, this recommendation w a s approved, b y the following vote: A y e , M r . Barr, M r s . Busey, M r s . Evans, M r s . Grigsby, M r . Noble, M r . Trees; no, none; absent, M r . A r m strong, M r . Blair, M r s . Ickes, M r . Small, M r . W h a m . ELEVATOR FOR STACK UNIT OF THE LIBRARY (20) The following statement from the Supervising Architect giving schedule of bids and recommending award of contract for the elevator in the Stack Unit of the Library to the Montgomery Elevator Company. I concur in the recommendation. On March 18, 1926, at 2.00 p. m. we received sealed bids for the elevator installation in the Stack Unit to the New Library as follows:
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