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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1924] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Si C O M P T R O L L E R S REPORT QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES JUNE 30, 1924 SUMMARY The unappropriated balance of the Reserve and Contingent Fund to be carried forward to the succeeding year was (Schedule A) $ 377 894 The total receipts (student fees, sales, and Federal funds) of the University Treasurer for the 11 months ending June 30, 1924 (esciuding transfers and balance July 1,) were (Schedule B) 2 071 092 The total disbursements were (Schedule B) j 705 703 Balance, June 30, 1924 (allowing for outstanding warrants) (Schedule B) 960 058 Budget income from Federal Funds for the year, 1 0 0 % of estimate , 356 3 28 Student Fees, 1 0 4 % of estimate 664 097 Miscellaneous sales and receipts, 1 8 7 % of estimate. 93 803 Agricultural sales, 1 3 1 % of estimate 273 629 Disbursements from State Appropriations for Operation and Maintenance amounted to (Sched9 92 87 ule B) _ . 4 3 3 13 000 000 3 3 being 1 0 0 % of the total Appropriations for thefiscalyear. 1 0O O 0 O Board appropriations to Departments for the currentfiscalyear totaled (Schedule D ) 4 790 1 9 9 243 07 & 37 43 These were 9 0 % expended on June 30, 1924, and 4 % encumbered, balances lapsed into Reserve and Contingent Fund. State Building appropriations of the Biennium, including balances totaled.... (Schedule D ) . . . 3 166 757 Receiptswere 2 7 % expended on JuneResearch for the yearencumbered. 21 847 These from private donations for 30, 1924, and 4 5 % to date amounted to (Schedule O).. Total valuation of the general storerooms werecoGt (Schedule P) N ) 11 521 165 Inventory Balances of University property at (Schedule Indebtedness outstanding storerooms for 12 months amounted to (Schedule N ) Business handled by these against propertyBonds on of the Property, 57 000 being 3 3 7 % Dentalinventory. Chicago, due 1932 (Schedule P). Unpaid Endowments totaled purchased ) , 28 20 Educational balance on Properties (Schedule O(Schedule P) Student Loan Endowments totaled (Schedule O) Scholarships and Prize Funds totaled (Schedule O ) , Consisting of: Endowment Principal $$y 102 Expendable Funds 7 235
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