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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1926] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 527 Schedule A STATEMENT OF RESERVE AND CONTINGENT FUND QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1 2 95 Balance forward September 30, 1925 #309 633 94 Add: Income from Sale of College Place Lota and Houses.. .$ 11 436 OO Donations for Research in Athletics (Additional)..... 1 200 00 Unused 1924-25 balances lapsed (Previously carried forward to cover encumbrances but unused) 589 62 13 225 62 £322 859 56 Deduct: Appropriations made by Board of Trustees, Meeting October 23, 1925 Inspection of Student Living Conditions 500 00 Cahokia Mounds Research 1 ooo 00 Tiling N e w Drill Field 5 500 00 McKinley Hospital Equipment 2 559 63 McKinley Hospital Loan to Trust Construction Fund 15 000 00 Meeting November 19, 1925 Business Office Salaries 600 00 Death Benefits 810 00 Chicago Water Rent.. 2 750 00 Pharmacy Expense and Equipment 1 200 00 Liquidation of Indebtedness (Purchase of Physicians and Surgeons Bonds) 600 00 Meeting December 8, 1925 Debating 1 000 00 Injuries to Employees (Michael case) 1 395 13 Land (final payment of Lot No. 86 College Place). 1 800 00 Meeting December 28, 1925 Land (Hessel Tract) 127 000 00 Paving and Lighting Assessments.... 1 40000 Interest and TaxeB 900 00 164 014 76 Adjustments in Salary Budget Appropriations Library 200 00 Chemistry I 800 00 Classics.., 250 00 English I 3 20 00 German 175 00 History 1 426 00 Political Science I 660 00 Zoology 1 800 00 Music 250 00 Dental Administration 800 00 Dental Orthodontia and Children's Clinic 200 00 Operative Dentistry 10000 998100 Adjustments in Expense Budget Appropriations Memberships in Organizations 10 00 Music Expense (temporary wages) 75 00 85 00 Additional Assignments for Research in Athletics 1 zoo 00 Assignments to^ cover 1924-25 Encumbrances (BalBalance quarter School Incidental 1925) Assignments toServicesResearch Schedule P) $146 , 63371 00 the December 31* 1925 Equipment ances lapsed cover and (See Expenditures forB19 180 45 Graduate Hospital in error X-Ray Equipment June 30, 176 35 7*7 80 176 039 93 31 37
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