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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 477 O n motion of M r . Trees this report was adopted, the Committee was continued and was authorized and directed to negotiate a contract in substance according to the terms outlined and the President and the Secretary of the Board were instructed to execute the contract. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY T h e Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. CONTRACT FOR KUNZ CELL (1) The Supervising Architect reports that the agreement with the DeForest Phonofilms, Inc., has been executed by both parties to the agreement. (Minutes, October 23, 1925, page 438). This report was received for record. PRINTING THE UNIVERSITY ANNUAL REGISTER (2) A recommendation from the Comptroller to award a contract for printing the annual register for 1925-26 to O. M . Rogers, operating the Rogers Printing Company, Dixon, Illinois, the low bidder according to the following statement: Uniform specifications, copy attached, were submitted to the following firms and bids were received in the form of unit prices on the various items in the specifications. The approximate cost of the work on the basis of these unit prices would be as follows: O. M . Rogers (Rogers Printing Company) Dixon, Illinois $6500 R. R. Donnelly and Sons Company, Chicago, Illinois. . 7200 Pantagraph Printing and Stationery Company, Bloomington N o bid Interstate Printing Company, Danville N o bid Review Printing and Stationery Company, Decatur N o bid Flanigan-Pearson Company, Champaign N o bid O n motion of M r . W h a m , this recommendation w a s concurred in. FLOOR AND PARTITION WORK IN NEW GYMNASIUM (3) The Supervising Architect reports that bids have been received on some concretefloorand partition work in the New Gymnasium as follows: King and Petry $534° English Brothers 5995 and recommends that the contract be awarded to King and Petry on the basis of their bid of $5,340. I concur. O n motion of M r . Barr, this recommendation w a s approved. PLANS FOR THE ADDITION TO THE PHARMACY BUILDING (4) The plans for the Pharmacy building as submitted by Supervising Architect White. M y understanding is that he and Dean Day fully approve these plans as submitted by the Architect. December 2, 1925 President David Kinley, 3$$ Administration Building Dear President Kinley: I am enclosing the plans and proposed west facade of the School of Pharmacy building as prepared by Schmidt, Garden & Martin. I think these plans are a very happy solution of the problem. The new building willfillin the entire space between the present south building and the Bakers' building and when either of these buildings is torn down, the same style of building can be continued, ultimately giving a continuous facade about ten feet back from the lot line. This design is in harmony with the design of the hospital group which is an advantage in identifying the building as a part of the University of Illinois group.
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