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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
44 board of trustees [September 26, C.P.A. CERTIFICATES (15) A recommendation that the certificate of Certified Public Accountant be awarded to the following persons who successfully passed the C. P„ A. examinations held on May 15 and 16, in accordance with the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and the A. Alsterlund Gustaf Committee: Vincent Michael Kelly Francis Merrill Beatty Willard W . Kelsey Emil Frederick Bohne Arthur Lincicome William Thomas Brennen Rubert John Lindquist Joseph Charles Bronars John Victor McGovern Daniel A. Brophy John Jay McKeague Patrick Joseph Carter John M. Mader Nat J. Cocen Chris Moore Martin Ned Hall Connelly Ben Stanton Naven Joseph Edward Cookson William Otto Olson Harry M. Couch Edwin Charles Owens Nelson G. Culp James Leonard Penny John Frank Danielson William Pesmen Marion Ross Davis Weldon Powell Harold DeBaun William A. Romanek Ralph Parsons DeSwarte Dillon Lewis Ross, Jr. Ray Robinson Dobson Samuel Rottman Alexander Eulenberg Abraham Harry Russman Harold Baker Eversole Joseph Ronald Schulz Lurton Eugene Felton Paul Dotrenge Seghers Aubrey Cleveland Flood Daniel Edward Sheehan Edward Mern Foster LaVerne Jay Smith Carl Arvid Fryxell Russell Claude Swope Willis Donald Gale Paul Canaday Taylor Alesander R. Grant William Lawther Vernon Reinhardt George Jahn Cyril Amberg Ward William Putnam Hauworth John Phelps Williams Herbert Oswald Hincks Frederick. Charles Yanowsky John Walter Jolly Frank Joseph Z n . ik Warren H. Keller On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, these c r i i a e were awarded. etfcts SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS IN THE ECONOMICS OF PUBLIC UTILITIES (OTHER THAN STEAM RAILROADS) (16) Seven Public Utility Companies of the State have jointly offered the University $5,000 a year for five years, beginning September I, 1924, for graduate scholarships and fellowships to be given to students nominated by the Dean of the College of C o m merce and approved by the other regular authorities for the study of public utilities in thefieldof administration. This gift has been made subject to the regulations of the University governing such matters and accords in all respects with our practice. Therefore, I have accepted it and a m reporting the matterforrecord. The Comptroller has the checks. T h i s report w a s received for record. APPROPRIATION FOR LAND PURCHASES (17) The Superintendent of Business Operations asks an appropriation for $312.50 to pay the commissions and other expenses connected with the purchase of the Lloyd and Martin houses and lots in College Place. I recommend that the appropriation be made from the Reserve and Contingent Fund.Small, MM r sTrimble. a s made, by no, none; absent,sM AGrigsby, M r . This appropriation w M r s . Busey,the following vote: .ry eBlair, Mrs. Ickes, r r . Blake, Armstrong, M . . Noble, M . Trees; M r s . Evans, M r . , Mr.
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