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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

438 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Appendix STATEMENT OF MEMORIAL STADIUM FUND AS AT SEPTEMBER jo, 1 2 95 Receipt! and Disbursements Prior to July i, 1924 July 7, 1924 t o Sept. jo, 19'S [October 23 Total to Date Receipts From Subscriptions $1 392 686 72 £54 950 88 $1 447 637 60 From Donations 5 286 27 40 00* 5 246 27 From Interest 19 056 39 918 73 19 975 12 From Loans 275 120 38 60 971 05* 214 149 33 Total Receipts Si 692 149 76 $$ 141 44* $1 687 008 32 Disbursements Office Collection Expense 1 451 28 1 4c 1 28l Construction I 675 654 14 971 05* I 674 683 09 Total Disbursements $1 67s 654 14 $480 23 $1 676 134 37 Cash Balance £10 873 95 Balance Sheet Assets Cash $10 873 95 Due from Pledge Installments Past Due Installments £430 794 14 Future Installments 28758590 71838004 Due from Athletic Association for Office Expense I 451 28 Property and Equipment Stadium (Cost to Date) 1 674 683 09 x 674 683 09 Total Assets $2 405 388 36 Liabilities and Surplus Notes Payable , 214 149 33 Contracts Outstanding. 47 517 80 Invested in Plant and Equipment 1 674 683 09 I 936 350 22 Balance of Pledges over Expenditures and Contracts 469038 14 Total Liabilities and Surplus 2 405 388 36 •Deduction due to refunds. xTo be refunded by Athletic Association. This report was received for record. PARR PROCESS Professor White read a letter from Mr. Armstrong concerning the disposal of the rights of the University in the Parr process. CONTRACT FOR KUNZ CELL (35) A recommendation that the following contract be authorized. AGREEMENT THIS MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of..._ _., 1925, by and between the B O A R D O F T R U S T E E S of the U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS, of Urbana, Illinois, a corporation, hereinafter called the "Licensor," and D e F O R E S T P H O N O F I L M S , INC., of the City of N e w York and State of N e w York, a corporation, hereinafter called the "Licensee," W I T NESSETH:— THAT WHEREAS, the Licensor is the Owner of United States Letters Patent to Jacob Kunz, dated June 14, 1921, and numbered 1,381,4.74; AND, WHEREAS, the Licensee desires an exclusive license to manufacture, use and sell devices for the reproduction of photographic sound waves which come withingood ,claims R Eacknowledged, and in consideration of heretoDollar mutual covof which W ashereby F O R considerations, by each consideration ofhand ($1.00) and otheragree isandH valuablehereinafter and in further to the other in mutually covenant and N O enants the agreements E , Forpatent. and T E of said letters contained, the! parties One follows:— the paid, receipt
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