Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ASSETS General and Building Fundi Cash in Hands of University Treasurer (Sch.C) Petty Cash Funds (Sch.C) $1 051 321 37 Balances in State Ap29 200 00 propriations (Sch.C) Unappropriated InFor Operation £3 295 213 76 For Buildings 1 991 905 33 For Special Purposes 11 706 07 5 298 825 16 Stores Inventories of Stock., 100 313 52 Jobs in Process 64 886 60 Revolving Accounts. 1 605 31 Accounts and Notes Re166 805 43 ceivable Accounts Receivable $3 554 22 Due from United States Veteran's 224 977 03 Bureau 3 419 49 Due from U . S. Treasurer (SmithLever* HatchAdams and Purnell Appropriations) 151 747 99 536 046 84 Microscopes Notes Receivable 30 00 Due from State Auditor (Interest on Endowment Fund) 16 225 33 Estimated Income From: Trust Board Sales Fees Endowments.. 368 036 71 Miscellaneous VocaAgricultural ofSources 15 000 00 State Veteran's Special Education tional Contract.. Bureau (Smith-Hughes)... 11 777 38 $1 400 48 81 754 27 6 078 Shdl P ceue balance sheet as at september 30, 19ih Liabilities and surplus I. General and Building Funds Appropriation BaZances Encumbered (Sch.D) Unencumbered (Sch.D) come (Reserve and Contingent Fund) (Sch.A)... 1924-25 Balances Subject to Reappropriation. . .. Reserve for Stores. . Residence Hall and Hospital Balances $6 777 382 31 $2 370 741 83 4 406 640 48 309 633 94 4 592 84 M 8 979 38 96 587 36