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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 41 s October 19, 1925 President David Kinley, University oj Illinois Dear President Kinley: At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association of the University of Illinois, the following motion was favorably acted upon: "Judge Harker moved that the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association of the University of Illinois request the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to grant to the Athletic Association the privilege of building a concrete baseball grand stand on Illinois Field. Seconded by E. I. Burke and carried." Will you kindly present this matter to the Board of Trustees of the University for action? It is understood of course that the Athletic Association will meet the expense of erecting this concrete stand. Very sincerely yours, C. J, RoSEBERRY 0. A. HaRKER Clerk oj the Board Secretary of tke Board O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this matter w a s referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for investigation and report as soon as possible. BIDS ON MEN'S GYMNASIUM ADDITION (7) In accordance with instructions given at the last meeting of the Board, the Supervising Architect asked for and has received bids on the Men's Gymnasium addition revised in accordance with certain changes in the specifications. Bidders Former Bid Amount Deducted Net English Brothers $197,998 $36,000 $161,998 A. W . Stoolman 199,987 26400 173,587 The Supervising Architect recommends that this contract be awarded to English Brothers on the basis of their bid of $161,098 and I join in the recommendation. M r . Barr offered a motion that this recommendation be concurred in. M r s . Evans offered as a substitute a motion that all bids be rejected and n e w bids be advertised for. T h e substitute motion w a s lost, and the original motion to concur w a s adopted. A t this point President Noble, being called from the room, requested M r . W h a m to act as chairman, and M r . W h a m presided during the rest of the afternoon. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE—URBANA LIGHTING S Y S T E M (8) The Supervising Architect sends m e a special assessment notice showing the University's assessment on account of the Urbana Southern Ornamental Lighting System, to be $1,148.21, plus interest, and recommends that the University agree to the assessment. I concur and so recommend. O n motion of M r s . Busey, this assessment w a s accepted. REPORT OF CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER SEPTEMBER 11—OCTOBER 21, 1925 (9) The Comptroller submits the following list of contracts executed by him since his last report and also a report of purchase orders issued in excess of $1,000 for the month of September, 1925.
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