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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS RESIGNATION OF DEAN EYCLESHYMER 413 (3) The resignation of Dr. A. C. Eycleshymer of all his positions in the University. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this resignation w a s accepted, to take effect J a n u a r y 1, 1926, a n d the President of the University w a s requested to express to D r . E y c l e s h y m e r the regret a n d good wishes of the Board. COLLEGE PLACE LOT 55 (4) A letter from the Comptroller: October 22, 1925 President David Kinley, University of Illinois Dear President Kinley: At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees on September 15th, authority was given for the purchase of Lot 55 in College Place from M a u d C. Foster at a price of $2,350. While not definitely stated in the minutes, the correspondence on the subject between Professor White's office and Mrs. Foster, and Professor White's letter of September 2nd to you, seems to indicate that the property would be sold at this price without any encumbrances for taxes and special assessments. O n investigation, however, I found that special assessments amounting to $37 and taxes amounting to $10 were outstanding against this property. In taking the matter up with Mrs. Foster, I found that it was her understanding that the property would be conveyed at this price subject to unpaid taxes and assessments not yet due. Lots 54 and 56 adjoining on the North and South were purchased for $2,200 each, subject in both cases to current taxes and unpaid special assessments. It seems possible, however, that Mrs. Foster will not sell other than for a price of $2,350, subject to the taxes and assessments referred to above. As the amount is small and the property essential for our purpose, I request authority to make the settlement on this basis if necessary. Very truly yours, Lloyd Morey Comptroller I recommend approval. O n motion of M r . Barr, the Comptroller w a s authorized to conclude this purchase for $2350, plus taxes and assessments. RADIO STATION A t this point, M r . Trees m a d e a report of progress o n the n e w radio station a n d withdrew. McKINLEY HOSPITAL BUILDING EXPENDITURES (5) The Comptroller, M r . Morey, reports to m e in substance, under date of October 19, as follows: The cash receipts of the McKinley Hospital fund to September 30, 1925 (i. e., excluding the Booth bonds), were $200,346.31. The total obligations entered into on account of the building to that date were #213,282.16. The furnishing and operating equipment of the hospital were to be paid for from the so-called School of Aeronautics Fund, a balance left in the treasury from the operation of the School of Military Aeronautics. The amount of this fund is #20445, of which about #18,000 has already been expended. It is evident from thesefiguresthat the cost of the building with equipment and furnishings will exceed the present cash receipts from Mr. Kinley's donation and the Aeronautics Fund. It seems to m e that it would be proper and desirable to credit this latter fund with the interest which it has earned to the date of its expenditure for hospital purposes.
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