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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
378 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 2 8 Gillis, M . C , Research Assistant in Olericulture, in the Department of Horticulture, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for two months beginning July I, 1925, at a salary of one hundred sixty-six and two-thirds dollars ($166.66) a month. (June 30, 1925) Groot, J. T., Resident in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for two months beginning July 1, 1925, at a salary offiftydollars ($50) a month. (June 25, 1925) Hackett, R. P., Assistant in Accountancy, for ten months beginning September I, 192s, at a cash compensation of one thousand four hundred dollars ($1400). (July 13, 1925) Hall, R. H., Research Graduate Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in the Engineering Experiment Station, in the College of Engineering, for two years of ten months each, beginning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars ($600) a year. (July 23, 1925) Harriett, E. M., Staff Resident in the Department of Ophthalmology, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning July 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars ($600). (July 9, 1925) Heckman, O. S, Assistant in History, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars (#600). (June 25, 1925) Hilgert, J. R , Associate in Business Organization and Operation, for one year beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of two thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($2750). (July 13, 1925) Huddlestun, Bernice T., Student Laboratory Assistant in H o m e Economics (Nutrition), in the College of Agriculture, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1925, at a salary of fifty dollars (£50) a month. (June 25, 1925) Kick, C. H., Assistant in Animal Nutrition in the Department of Animal Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station, for one year beginning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of one thousand three hundred twenty dollars ($1320). (July 15, 1925) Kulcinski, L. L., Instructor in Physical Education for M e n , for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of two thousand dollars ($2000). (July 25, 1925) Linde, G. H., Assistant in Accountancy, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars ($600). (July 13, 1925) McCormack, Ted, Technician in Physiology, in the Department of Physiology and Physiological Chemistry, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for two months beginning July I, 1925, at a salary of forty-one and two-thirds dollars ($41.66) a month. (July 9, 1925) McMaster, A. J., Assistant in Physics, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of eight hundred dollars ($800). (June 25, 1925) Millhouse, Louise E., Laboratory Assistant in Dietetics in the Department of H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture, on one-half time, for nine months beginning September 15, 1925, at a cash compensation of four hundred fifty dollars ($450). June 25, 1925) Milum, V. G., Instructor in Entomology, for one year beginning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of twenty-four hundred dollars (5S2400). (July 23, Morrison, G. E, Assistant in Economics, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of seven hundred dollars ($700). (July 13, 1925) Nuhn, F. R_ Assistant in English, on two-thirds time, for ten months beginning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of one thousand dollars ($1000). (June 30, 1925)
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