Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

374 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 SCHEDULE O (Cont'd) TRUST FUNDS AS AT JUNE 30, 1925 Permanent Funds Investments and Receivables Cask Scholarship, Fellowship, and Prize Donations American Pharmaceutical Scholarships International Live Stock Exposition Fund. . . . C. Gross Prize Fund in Architecture Knights of Columbus Scholarship Fund Graduate Scholarship and Fellowship in Public Utilities Totals Deposit Funds Accountancy Committee (C. P. A. Exams.). . Chicago Student Deposits Cooperative Rooming Fund Entrance Examinations Graduate School Theses Deposits Key Deposits Military Deposits Military Equipment Towel Fund—Men's Towel Fund—Women's Totals University Organization's Funds Grand Totals £316 715 17 $8 840 37 Hospital Association , •Overdraft. M a y Fete Woman's Athletic Association M a y Fete, 1925 Military Band Military Band Reserve Military Band Special Athletic Trips Star Course Star Course Reserve University Choral Society Totals Miscellaneous Funds Agronomy Special Fqnd Short Course for Electric Metermen Short Course for Gas Metermen Totals Expendable Funds Investments and Receivables Cask $ 58 93 410 00 100 00 70 00 4 Sio 00 (S 148 93) 16 973 73 187 76 537 72 1 3^9 91 7 688 09 1 077 35 660 00 4 631 84 1 069 04 375 50 (34 530 94) 52 Si 15 216 59 88 719 87 6 309 30 792 8j 980 22 604 74 04 40 56 2 55 60 46 35* OO 815* 194 70 52) (9 590 25) 716 58 156 04 539 r8 (1 411 80) S33 523 $ 6 021 497 1 003 I OOI (8 523