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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
19*5] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS SCHEDULE O TRUST FUNDS AS AT JUNE 30, 1925 373 Expendable: Funds Investments Investments and and Receivables Cash Educational Endowments Receivables Cask $ 1 750 00 McKinley Public Utility Economics Fund.... Jioo 000 00 (1 750 00) Totals (loo 000 00) Student Loan Endowments Anonymous Students' Loan Fund Principal , 30 000 00 126 57 Income (loanable) 3 475 00 £ 641 88 Carter-Pennell Loan Fund 300 00 209 13 Class of 189c Students* Loan Fund 200 00 28 78 Darling Memorial Loan Fund 75 00 34 51 2B0 63 Dora E. Biddle Loan Fund 2 070 92 360 95 (407 20) Graduate Students' Loan Fund ioo 00 28 10 6 92 Margaret Lange James Students* Loan Fund. 5 442 26 247 94 58 13 W . B. McKinley Students' Loan Fund 21 428 07 156 22 123 01* JameB R. Morris Students'Loan Fund 10 752 00 425 98 50 00* Overseas Loan Fund 1 750 00 271 54 School of Pharmacy Loan Fund for Women 140 05 Students 42s 00 190 34 S 43 Edward Snyder Department of Students'Aid.. 12 318 66 317 59 543 99 Henry Roberts Temple Loan Fund 85000 173 59 50 49 Woman's League Students* Loan Fund 1 765 00 275 60 40 00 Totals > (90 951 91) (3 362 15) , 7t 5', Scholarship, Fellowship and Prise Endowments (1 746 Si) 1 Baker Prize Fund 2 300 00 582 10 Thrift Committee Economics Prize Fund 1 247 76 8 23 $ 25 000 00 41 989 91 Adolph Gehrmann Lectureship in Medicine. .. 9 957 05 42 95 (25 000 00) (42 572 01) 58 so Emily W . L. Schofield M . E. Missionary 68 08 Scholarship in the College of Medicine 890 00 English Poetry Prize Fund 315 00 3 26 00 789 6S Francis J. Plym Fellowships and Prizes in 3 831 19 1 55° 00 Architecture t 36 637 80 2 013 89 225 61 John M . and Louisa C Gregory Scholarship 457 42 Fund 3 097 65 3 078 15 2 4°3 40 548 20 Robert F. Carr Fellowships in Chemistry 10 000 00 300 00 Robert Laughlia Rea Scholarship in the College I Boo 00 of Medicine 4 791 00 9 00 SIS 56* William Jennings Bryan Prize Fund for Stu10 08 dents' EssayB on Government 255 00 1 001 is Thacher Howland Guild Memorial Prize Fund 1 076 12 for Students'PoemB and One-Act Plays..... 612 00 Totals (69 213 26) (5 478 22) 1 857 76 807 3» Building and Improvement Funds 900 00 Carr Tree Planting Fund (18 058 93) McKinley Hospital Fund Totals Research Donation Funds American Medical Association, Grant 52 B'nai B'rith, Independent Order of Library Fund _ UtilitiesGasCastPlumbers AccountSteel Assn... NationalofFoundationHeatingElectricEngineerElectricalTreatmentin Research BrassCanners 56 ChemicalResearch Committee—Refractories.. (56 550 00 Sweet MasterOperating Association Co PorIllinois Corn Association, ChalmersVentilating FatigueinResearch Committee—Ageing ofFeed Carter-PennellInvestigation—Illinois Assistant" Research Research Committee—Boiler of ing. AssistantBhipAgriculture Co AssociationParts Committee—Fatigue ship Warm Steel—American CoResearch celain Research Association. Air in Graduate Foundries Structural Water Metals—Westernand Totals MetaU—General Electric Metals—AUis Highway Metals—Copper and 00) Permanent Funds
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