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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 341 Salary 14. E. F. Wilsey, Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (10 mos.) $ 2,000 15. Robert Perganda, Mechanician (C. S.) i>9°° 16. Catherine E. Finnigan, Clerk and Stenographer (C. S.) 1,440 Total, Municipal and Sanitary Engineering and Theoretical and Applied Mechanics $53,040 Physics 1. A. P. Carman, Professor of Physics and Head of the Department (Indef.) $6,500 2. C. T. Knipp, Professor of Experimental Electricity (Indef.) 5,ooo 3. F. R. Watson, Professor of Experimental Physics (Indef.) 5,°co 4. Jakob Kunz, Professor of Mathematical Physics (Indef.) 4>5°o 5. W . F. Schulz, Associate Professor (Indef.) 3,300 6. E. H . Williams, Assistant Professor of Experimental Physics (Indef.). . 3,000 7. R. F. Paton, Associate (1 yr.) 2,900 8. R. A. Nelson, Instructor (10 mos.) 2,500 9. E. M . Little, Assistant (10 mos.) 1,400 10. 0. B. Young, Assistant \}/i time; 10 mos.) 800 11. W . D. Lansing, Assistant (J^ time; 10 mos.) 800 12. W . M . Young, Assistant (10 mos.) 1,400 13. G. M . Rassweiler, Assistant (J^ time; 10 mos.) 800 14. C. C. Schmidt, Assistant (J4 time; 10 mos.) 800 15. F. W . Cooke, Assistant (% time; 10 mos.) 1,200 16. H . N . Swenson, Assistant Q/2 time; 10 mos.) 800 17. V. M . Albers, Assistant i}A time; 10 mos.) 800 18. K. O. Smith, Assistant i}A time; 10 mos.) 850 19. A. D. Hummell, Assistant Q/& time; 10 mos.) 800 20. C. N. Wall, Assistant (}-£ time; 10 mos.) 800 21. K. H. Hubbard, Assistant (l/% time; 10 mos.) 800 22. B. F. Runyon, Assistant i}/% time; 10 mos.) 800 23. R. L. Tambling, Assistant (% time; 10 mos.) 800 24. A. J. McMaster, Assistant (J^ time; 10 mos.) 800 Total, Physics $54,95° 25. Andrew Tornquist, Mechanician (C. S.) I,8oo Railway Engineering 26. C. W . Fieg, Assistant Mechanician (C. S.) i,5°° I. W . C. Deem, Assistant Mechanician Engineering and Head of the De- ',380 27. E. C. Schmidt, Professor of Railway (C. S.) $6,000 28. H.partment (Indef.) T. Wyninger, Storekeeper and Lecture Attendant (C. S.) 1,620 2. Delia Snodgrass, Clerk and Stenographer (C. S.) 4,750 29. J. M . M . Rogers, Professor of Railway Mechanical Engineering (Indef.) 1,500 3. E. E. King, Professor of Railway Civil Engineering (Indef.) 4,250 4. J. K. Tuthill, Assistant Professor of Railway Electrical Engineering (2 yrs. from Sept. 1, 1925) • • • . • 3>25° .••• 5. H . J. Schrader, Instructor in Railway Mechanical Engineering (10 mos.) 2,100 6. H. R. Higgins, Mechanician in the Locomotive Laboratory (C. S.)... . 1,700 Total, Crossman, Clerk and $23,070 7. Anna M . Railway Engineering Stenographer (C. S.) 1,020 Engineering Experiment Station 1. M . S. Ketchum, Dean of the College of Engineering and Director of the Engineering Experiment Station (Indef.) 1 xSaUry under College Administration.
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