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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Expense and Equipment $ 1,200 1,825 17,100 500 2,295 3,700 2,500 3,650 1,800 1,125 10,000 1,000 5,000 500 825 a, 600 10,000 2,500 2,000 315 Total $ 1,200 4, " 5 22,900 4,500 8.595 16,700 2,500 8,650 4,000 9,345 10,000 1,000 5,000 500 825 2,600 10,000 2,500 2,000 2,500 1,500 685 1,000 $336,580 Sal, ones ... $ 2, ,400 5, ,800 4 ,ooo 6 ,550 , 13, ,oco 1,000 , 2, ,2CO 8,220 General Expense High School Visitor Visiting Professors, Lectures, and Educational Conferences and InPresident's Receptions and EnPresident's Incidental and Membership in Organizations Patents on Discoveries and i n Totals $197,35° 2,500 1,500 685 1,000 $139,230 SALARY BUDGET The salary budget as printed has been corrected to August 10,1925. Unless otherwise indicated, all appointments date from September 1, 1925. Indef. = on indefinite tenure; C. S.= Civil Service. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Salary 1. David Kinley, President (2 yrs. from March 10, 1925) $IS>°°° 2. A. J. Janata, Private Secretary and Assistant to the President (12 mos.; exempt) 4,°°° 3. H. B. Johnston, Executive Secretary (C. S.) 3,5°° 4. Albert R. Lee, Chief Clerk (C. S.) 1,90° 5. Marian B. Scarlett, Stenographer (C. S.) 1,600 6. ———•, Stenographer (C. S.) (vice Edwards) 1,4°° 7. Jessie M . Beaver, Stenographer (C. S.) 1,3°° Total, President's Office ¥28,700 PROVOST Kendric C. Babcock, Provost $i,ooo» BOARD OF TRUSTEES H . E. Cunningham, Secretary (1 yr.) Ji.ooo1 LEGAL COUNSEL O. A. Harker, Legal Counsel (12 mos.) $i,ooo» 'AUo $7,000 at Dean of Liberal Arti and Sciences; total $8,000. •Also £4,000 at Director of University Press; total $S.ooo. 'Also $6,000 as Professor of Law; total $7,000.
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