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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 287 Staley, W . D., Research Graduate Assistant in Gas Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, in the College of Engineering, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars (¥600). (June 24, 1925) The Executive Committee adjourned. SECOND SESSION, JUNE 26, 1925 W h e n the Board convened after the recess on June 26, 1925, the same members were present as before. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. HEARING OF PROFESSOR DIETRICHSON (1) A request that the Board grant a hearing to Dr. J. G. Dietrichson, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, who protests against the decision of his department not to recommend him for reappointment. This request w a s granted, and D r . Dietrichson w a s heard on this matter. D e a n K . C. Babcock also m a d e a statement. T h e Board took no action. M E D I C A L A N D H O S P I T A L SITUATION (2) A statement concerning the situation in the College of Medicine and in the hospitals erected under the cooperative agreement with the State Department of Public Welfare (Minutes, July 12, 1919, page 487). Acting D e a n Davis, D r . Ochsner, Dr. Bacon, and D r . Pierce, of the medical faculty, w h o were introduced, m a d e statements concerning these matters. O n motion of M r . Trees, the President of the University w a s directed to arrange as soon as possible for a special meeting of the Board, at the Governor's convenience, at which Governor Small and Director Jenkins could be present, to discuss the matter of the cooperative agreement with the Department of Public Welfare. DEATH OF PRESIDENT JAMES O n motion of Mrs. Evans, the President of the University was requested to draw up resolutions concerning the death of President Emeritus Edmund Janes James, to be spread on the records of the Board and transmitted to the members of his family. FURNISHINGS FOR RESIDENCE HALL O n motion of Mr. Armstrong, the President of the Board was instructed to appoint an advisory committee on the furnishings for the new Residence Hall, with f l authority to act within the limits of ul the funds appropriated for the Hall. President Noble appointed the following committee: Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Ickes, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Trees. The Board adjourned. H. E. Cunningham W. L. Noble Secretary President
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