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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
286 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 2 6 The Supervising Architect recommends that the contract be awarded to C. A. Kiler on the basis of his unit prices; on the McKinley Hospital approximately 1882 sq. yds. Grey Jaspe; on the West Residence Hall approximately 2,500 sq. yds. Grey Jaspe; on the Library approximately 2656 sq. yds. 3/16" Brown Battleship, and approximately 1550 sq. yds. Brown "A"; on the Men's Gymnasium approximately 240 sq. yds. Brown "A", and on the Commerce Building approximately 1200 sq. yds. Brown "A." I concur. O n motion of M r s . Busey, the contract for linoleum w a s a w a r d e d as r e c o m m e n d e d . STAIR RAILING IN NEW LIBRARY (11) The following recommendation from the Supervising Architect. The stair railing in the main stair hall of the new Library building is of wrought iron and requires supervision during construction which can best be done by Mr. Piatt. This work requires the highest type of craftsmanship and Mr. Piatt has obtained bids in N e w York City, the low bidder being John Jacob, 432 East 75th St., whose bid is four thousand one hundredfiftydollars ($4,150). I recommend that the contract be awarded to Mr. Jacob on that basis. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of M r . Trees, this contract w a s awarded as recommended. G L A S S P A N E L S IN L I B R A R Y W I N D O W S (12) The following recommendation from the Supervising Architect: There are painted glass panels in the center of each of the big reading room windows in the Library. These are all special design and must be made under Mr. Piatt's supervision. Mr. Piatt secured bids in N e w York and the low bid is that of J. Scott Williams, 401 West Third Avenue, N e w York City, at Four Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($4,350). I recommend that the contract be awarded to him on that basis. I concur in the recommendation of the Supervising Architect. O n motion of M r . Trees, this contract w a s awarded as recommended. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY PRESIDENT K1NLEY T h e Secretary presented for record a list of appointments m a d e by the President of the University. Asher, Ollie, Assistant in the Bureau of Educational Research, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of seven hundred dollars ($700) for the year. (June 24, 1925)1 Foster, I. O., Instructor in History, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of two thousand dollars ($2;ooo). (June 24, 1925) Gamage, Harry, Instructor in Athletic Coaching, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). Qune 12 1924) Mewes, Delia, Housekeeper and Dietitian in the University Hospital, for one year beginning September 1 1925, at a cash compensation of one thousand four hundred forty dollars ($1440) for the year. (June 24, 1925) MuIIer, Julius, Special Research Assistant in Engineering Materials, in the EngiThe Experiment Station, date on which the appointment wa» beginning July 1, 1925, neering date in parentheaii U the in the College of Engineering,made by President Kjnley. and continuing until further notice, at a cash compensation of two thousand dollars ($2000) a year. (June 24, 1925) Orton, Mary H., Scholar in Classics, for the academic year beginning in September, 1925, at a stipendium of three hundred dollars ($300). (June 22, 1925)
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