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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 283 SCHEDULE OF BIDS (Continued) Watson Mfg. The Higgin Company McKinley Hospital Bronze Frame Steel Frame Library Bronze Frame Steel Frame Dairy Manufactures Bronze Frame 2,197.00 1,889.00 5,320.00 4,020.00 Mfg. Co. 'iS'S.^V 2,692.17V 2,055.00V 2,168.00 2 % deduction if all contracts are awarded The Supervising Architect recommends that the contracts for screens for the Commerce Building, Residence Hall, McKinley Hospital, and Library be awarded to the Higgin Manufacturing Company and for the Men's Gymnasium and Dairy Manufactures Building be awarded to the Watson Manufacturing Company on the basis of bids checked. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r s . Busey, these contracts were awarded to the low bidders as recommended. SPECIAL LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR NEW LIBRARY (3) A schedule of bids on special lighting fixtures for the new library. SCHEDULE OF BIDS Bidder Edward F. Caldwell & Co., New York City $10,000.00 installed Victor S. Pearlman & Co., Chicago, 111 12,797.00 not installed Curtis Lighting, Inc., Chicago, 111 11,500.00 F.O.B. Chicago The Supervising Architect recommends that this contract be awarded to Edward F. Caldwell & Co. of New York City. I concur. O n motion of M r . Trees, this contract w a s awarded as recommended. LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR NEW BUILDINGS (4) A schedule of bids on lighting fixtures for the following buildings: Commerce (A), Gymnasium (B), Library (C), Dairy Manufactures (D) SCHEDULE OF BIDS Bidders A B C D Caldwell Elec. Corp $1,656.50 $ 777.So $ 563.00 $ 903.20 Central Electric Co i>5i5-57 681.84 532.46 825.00 Ideal Electric Co 1,275.00 600.00 415.00 675.00 Marrs-Tanner Elec. Co 1,472.61 709.68 524.12 790.°5 N o wire figured. Add 65 cents for each insulated fixture. F. E. Newberry Elec. Co 1,640.00 690.00 870.00 1,015.00 Western Electric Co i>457-<>3 709.60 522.63 780.01 Beardslee Chand. Co 1,806.68 847.30 653.83 993-38 Elect. Devel. & Equip 2,183.00 1,014.00 8l2.op_ 1,230.00 Add 50 cents per fixture. Deduct 30 cents perfixtureif insulated joint is omitted. The Supervising Architect recommends that the order for thesefixturesbe placed with the Ideal Electric Company, Champaign, 111., on the basis of the low bids, as follows: Commerce, $1,275; Gymnasium, $600; Library, $415; and Dairy Manufactures Building, $675.
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