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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
282 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 26 E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E M E E T I N G , J U N E 26, 1925 A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, on Friday, June 26, 1925, during a recess in the meeting of the Board of the same date. All the members of the Committee were present; also Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, and Mrs. Ickes, members of the Board, and President Kinley and Professor J. M . White. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Executive Committee considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. CONTRACTS FOR MINOR BUILDINGS (1) A schedule of bids for contracts on the boiler house addition, central poultr house, cattle feeding shed, and cattle feeding plant additions. SCHEDULE OF BIDS Boiler Poultry Cattle Silos Bidders House Feeding EllisBrooks $11,100 $21,700 $8,870 English Brothers $19,987 D. E. Howe King&Petry 21,939 I3>63° 22,020 9>9i6 2 % Otto Randolph 30,000 17,600 29,000 10,600 i } 4 % Sowers & Corkery 23,237 14,481 21,974 9,178 l # % A. W . Stoolman 25»'33 '4,497 21,722 10,570 6% W . J. Villard 13.424 21,273 9,672 Professor White recommends that the contract for the Central Poultry House be awarded to Ellis Brooks at $11,100; the Boiler House Addition to English Bros, at $19,987; and the contract for the Cattle Feeding Shed be awarded to W . J. ViUard, on the basis of his bid of $21,273. H e also recommends that no contract be awarded on the Cattle Feeding Plant Additions (Roofing silos). I concur. O n motion of M r . Trees, contracts were awarded to the low bidders as recommended. SCREENS FOR NEW BUILDINGS (2) A schedule of bids on screens for new buildings: SCHEDULE OF BIDS Watson Mfg. The Higgin Company Commerce Bldg. Bronze Frame $2,195.00 Steel Frame 1,870.00 Residence Hall Bronze Frame 3,308.00 Steel Frame 2,758.00 Men's Gymnasium Bronze Frame 775.00 SteelFrame 671.00V Mfg. Co. $1,612.00V 2,070.24V 673.27
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