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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Gladys Eloise Garstano, B.S., 1923 Alice Bernice Kelsey, A.B., Indiana University, 1922 Miriam Fredrica Krampe, A.B., Miami University, 1924 Walter Lee Moore, A.B., Albion College, 1924 {ohn Smyue Morrel, A.B., Southwestern University, 1920 Iortense Evelyn Wilson, A.B., Knox College, 1921 In Physics Vernon Martin Albers, A. B., Carleton College, 1923 Grant Ellsworth Van Lone, Ph.B., Lawrence College, 1916 In Romance Languages John Alexander, A.B., Greenville College, 1921 Marceline Campbell, A.B., University of Arkansas, 1924 Margaret Louise Carlock, A.B., 1924 Florence Irene Holloway, A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1924 Audrey King, A.B., I l n i Woman's College, 1924 lios Suzanne Anna Marie Mayer, A.B., I l n i College, 1921 lios Frances Bennoch Plummer, B.S., 1924 Lucile Sutton, A.B., 1920 Degree of Master of Science In Accountancy Tsee-Lianc Hsu, B.S., 1924 Raymond Earl Rickbeil, B.S., 1925 In Agronomy John Heriot Earle Clark., B.S., 1924 Charles Hubert Oathout, B.S., 1907 Harold Kirby Wilson, B.S., Iowa State College, 1924 James Esten McKittrick, B.S., 1924 Harold Herman Punke, B.S., 1924 In Animal Husbandry Gage Griffin Carman, B.S., 1922 Robert Henry Engle, B.S., 1917 Russell James Laible, B.S., 1920 In Architectural Engineering George Cavender Hewes, B.S., 1923 In Bacteriology Isaac Orval Eagle, B.S., 1924 Harry Gordon Hardino, B.S., 1924 In Botany Luella Lydia Mueller, B.S., McKendree College, 1922 Lewis McDonald Turner, B.S., 1923 In Chemistry Aubrey Bruce Adams, A.B., University of London, 1920, B.S., 1924 William Fleming Bailey, B.S., Monmouth College, 1924 Helmer Bengston, A.B., Augustana College, 1921 Clair S Boruff, B.S., Monmouth College, 1923 Robert Merle Corbin, B.S., 1923 Wade Sherman Hathorhe, B.S., 1923 Robert Franklin Heald, B.Ch.E., Ohio State University, 1922 Edward Llewellyn Hill, A.B., Carthage College, 1922 Orin Benjamin Jacobsok, A.B., University of South Dakota, 1922
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