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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 253 Reinhold Max Peters Roy Welberw Smith Robert John Phillips Lois Mazelle Snyder Loring Fox Pollock Ralph Herbert Spiro William Thomas Preston Georoe Davis Stevens Bennett Bruce Quillan Rachel Mae Stewart Charles Bauer Radcliffe John Fred Stolte Marie Louese Ramser Owen Edwin Stotlar Marion Lowell Reasor Oliver Lawrence Sun Frank Edward Rokusek Euoene Harvey Swartz Edward Ryoel Marshall Joseph Sweeney Lyle B St.John Adolph Henry Teotmeyer Lester Burton Schlapprizzi Max Thomas Terrill Herbert Francis Schott Robert Henry Walter Herbert Werner Schreiner Richard Rockwell Watt Norma Amelia Schultz John Carey Westall Roland Robert Sheadle Everett Alexander Whitney Russell Earl SimmonsIn General Railway Administration Theodore Wickman Edwin Burnell Harold Easton Martin Robert L Singer Laurence Sedgwick Wright Chuan-Yun Chao John Harold Yackel Leighton Charles Smith Walter Carl Parks Yen-Yin Hsu Edward John Upham In Industrial Administration John Maurice Albright Henry George Magnussen George Robert Becker Roland Francis Mottar George Noel Bolinger Robert Munger Seepe James Edward Brennan Gerald Wilfred Sherman Kenneth William Cook John Darrough Steely John Ivan Cronwell Richard Clifford Valentine Jaroslav William Dvorak Otho Bruce Wakefield Lee Gehlbach William Kleitz Wanner John Walker Horton Herbert George Weick Pedro Villanueva Javier Fred Charles Werno Bernhard Lazarus Ernest Bruce Winters Richard John Thomas Leyden* Erik William Wolf Raymond Caspar Lipe In Accountancy and in Banking and Finance Lloyd Kenneth Miller Carroll Arnold Shinkle In Accountancy and in Commercial Teachers Mabelle Tappan In Accountancy and in General Business Samuel Rodin Horrow Earl Gates Smith Wilbur Andrew Patton In Banking and Finance and in General Business Christian Adam Heiugenstein, Jr. In General Business and in Commercial Teachers Beatrice Rosanna Crimmins Ruth Kuoler • The diploma of thia atudcnt a withheld until he haa completed the required Summer C a m p training.
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