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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
232 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 16 E. H. Wirth, Instructor $450.00 J. A. Dorjahn, Assistant 266.67 Esther Meyer, Assistant 200.00 I recommend further that the following schedule of fees be approved for this work with the understanding that the amounts be deducted from the fees charged during the winter session: Tuition $15.00 Laboratory fee 10.00 Laboratory deposit . 15.00 In making this recommendation it is understood that this does not establish a precedent for future summer work in the School of Pharmacy. O n motion of M r . W h a m , these recommendations w e r e approved. CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER (19) The following report of contracts executed by the Comptroller since the last Board meeting and also a report on purchases made by the Purchasing agent amounting to $1000 or more: M a y 12, 1925 President David Kinky, University of Illinois M y Dear President Kihley: I transmit herewith a report of contracts executed by m e since the last report, also a statement prepared by Mr. H . M . Edwards, Purchasing Agent, showing purchase orders issued by him during the month of April amounting to $1000 or more. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey Cmtolr oprle REPORT OF CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER APRIL 2-MAY 12, 1925 Lease contracts executed under general regulations regarding contracts and Board authorization, April 12, 1924. Property Rental Date Tenure Lessee 1758 W . Polk St., Chicago... $45 a M o . 4/30/25 5/1/25- Louis Nahin & (Storeroom) 4/30/26 Sam Edelman 1758 W.Polk St., Chicago . .537.50 a 4/30/25 5/1/25- Joseph M . Fauria (Top Flat) Mo. 4/3°/?6 (Indefinite) 1758 W.Polk St., Chicago.. .$35 a M o . 4/30/25 5/1/25- John McCabe (1st Flat) 4/30/26 1745 Flournoy St., Chicago. .$21 a M o . 4/30/25 5/1/25- Elmer Schiedeman (1st Flat) 4/30/26 1745 Flournoy St., Chicago. .?22 a M o . 4/30/25 5/1/25- Simon Block (Top Flat) 4/30/26
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