Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
222 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 8 RATES IN W O M E N ' S RESIDENCE HAULS (27) A request for authority tofixrates in the Women's residence halls, with the approval of the Committee on Students' Welfare. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this authority w a s granted. LIABILITY INSURANCE ON X-RAY APPARATUS (28) A statement concerning the matter of insuring the operators of the X-ray apparatus in the research hospital against liability for accidents. This matter w a s referred to the President of the University for investigation and report. RETIRING ALLOWANCES (29) A request for a ruling in regard to the administration of the rules governing retiring allowances. It w a s the opinion of the Board that the plan should be administered as adopted, without exceptions for the present. GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS T h e Secretary presented for record the following list of graduate scholars and fellows for 1925-26, appointed b y the President of the University. Accountancy W. B. Cole Scholarship $300 R. S. Johns R. E. Mayes Animal Husbandry W . M . Dawson Bacteriology L. A. Black E. D. Devereux Botany A. L. Hafenrichter F. A. Schrepfer O. K. Stark Chemistry J. A. Arvin H. T. Blair Thomas Devries A. L. Dixon E. F. Fiock Ned Guthrie F. D. Hager G. S. Hiers W . B. Holton R. T. Leslie N. W . Metcalf C. R. Noller Jacob Sacks P. L. Salzberg J. B. Taylor W . A. Watson Classics C. G. Brouzas Mildred M . Madden K. F. Vickery Economics I. C. Barker C. D. Barber C. R. Bye Kenneth Field H. M . Gray L. A. Helms R. F. Horn Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship Scholarship Fellowship Scholarship Scholarship Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship Scholarship Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship Scholarship Fellowship D u Pont Fellowship Fellowship Scholarship Carr Fellowship Scholarship Fellowship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Fellowship Scholarship Fellowship Scholarship Scholarship 500 300 300 400 400 500 300 500 300 300 400 500 500 300 400 500 503 300 400 750 500 300 750 300 500 300 300 300 400 400 300 800 400 400