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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

220 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 8 Scholarship, Fellowship and Prize Donations American Pharmaceutical Scholarships 58 93 B'naiB'rith, Independent Order of, Prize Fund .. 25 00 Dupont Fellowships in Chemistry 225 00 Knights of Columbus Scholarship Fund 70 00 Graduate Scholarship and Fellowship in Public Utilities 4 61; 00 Totals (4 993 93) Deposit Funds Accountancy Committee (C. P. A. Exams.) Z2 345 73 Band Uniforms 10* Chicago Student Deposits 9 173 S3 Cooperative Rooming: Fund 478 54 Entrance Examinations . 5 941 75 Graduate School Theses Deposits 5 861 15 Key Deposits 1 097 60 Military Deposits 40 785 00 Military Equipment 4 632 63 Towel Fund—Men's 2 168 03 Towel Fund—Women's 379 00 Totals (8286316) University Organizations* Funds Hospital Association 10 o n 88 3 982 90 May Fete 6 309 30 Woman's Athletic Association 792 81 Military Band 698 67 Military Band Reserve 497 04 39 50 Military Band Special Athletic Trips 255 Star Course 3 618 94 Star Course Reserve I 000 00 University Choral Society 202 95 Totals (1051892) (1664762) Miscellaneous Funds Agronomy Special Fund. 716 58 Chicago M. S. F. A. Short Course in Plumbing and Heating 78 41 Schoolof Military Aeronautics Recreation Fund 131 S4 Short Course for Electric Metermen 6 69 Short Course for Gas Metermen 234 94 Totals (1 169 16) Grand Totals 313 266 00 12 769 41 35 518 92 180 866 92 •Overdraft. This report was received for record. At this point, President Noble, being called from the room for a short time, asked Mr. Trees to preside, and Mr. Trees acted as Chairman during the rest of the day. P A R R P A T E N T LITIGATION (22) A statement concerning the expense of prosecuting the claims for the patent on the Parr process to date, with an estimate of the cost of pushing the matter to a conclusion. On motion of Dr. Noble, this report was received for record, and the matter was referred, with power to act, to a special committee consisting of Mr. Armstrong, Chairman, Mr. Barr, and Professor J. M. White. CHICAGO RESEARCH HOSPITALS CLEARANCE James progressthePLACE are:reject Professor a or hospitals in this projectland paradeonforin first. Theypurposes.which wtheresearchfor the acThis reportbut recommendsWhite,and other andArchitect, submits White will acquire (23) A Professorofreceivedground inSupervising toof openingbids.ownplanmakesof our in plans 1.report reserving,. all record. matter necessary quirement oof new theCOLLEGECollege rightLOTS Chicago. the was OFremainingcourse, housesPlace plats alltothe completion three suggestions receive bidsM of the the (24) for T the e
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