Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 215 Administration and General Library Agriculture University Appropriation F I 026 123 76 769 899 48 140 716 61 Smith-Lever F 231 075 81 162 441 60 26 713 94 Liberal Arts and Sciences G 929 815 15 65623992 21533753 Engineering H 66904298 46595981 15344462 Graduate School I 6909944 4070706 13 563 55 Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy.. J 669 603 27 381 718 40 148 850 52 Law K 64 991 83 43 964 93 12 262 39 Library School K 17 066 08 11 978 78 3 895 23 Military K 23 074 90 12 619 98 2 241 56 Music K 4374682 31 910 03 976041 Physical Education Men K. 4008900 2839898 821222 Women K 2670608 18 982 17 719643 Hygiene and Physical Welfare... . K 6 000 CO 2 608 27 I 199 43 Summer Session, 1924. K. 68 177 92 6682005 4000 Summer Seision, 1925 K 7000000 34138 975 00 Education Ki 153 221 45 104 939 14 35 29° 34 Commerce K.2 197 53174 136 979 37 4982969 Physical Plant Operation L 51500000 398 716 18 294963 Extension L 32729199 20944856 106 189 61 Sub-totals 576448797 3 965 216 18 I 071 979 72 72729207 Land and Buildings Special Funds and Appropriations. M 2 323 +88 59 983 617 30 978 223 64 Appropriations from General Funds M 348 268 57 120 184 97 n o 371 01 Grand Totals 8 436 245 13 5 069 018 45 2 160 574 37 I 206 652 31 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS AS AT MARCH 31, 1925 Total Expend*' Schedule Credits tures E 417 790 51 288 417 22 E 19903824 132 124 87 Encum~ brances 77 986 61 5531840 Balances 51 386 68 II 594 97 115 507 67 41 920 27 5823770 4963855 1482883 139 034 35 8 764 51 I 192 07 8 213 36 207638 3 477 80 527+8 2 192 30 I 317 87 6868362 1298597 10 723 68 113 33+ 19 II 653 82 361 647 65 117 712 59