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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1925] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 213 STATEMENT OF RESERVE AND CONTINGENT FUND QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 1915 Balance forward December 31, 1924 82 qi7 17 Add: Unused 1023-24 balances lapsed Cooperative Mines Investigation 297 39 Cancellation of Duplicate Adjustments to Salary Budget Economics , 2 000 00 Zoology 150 00 2 150 00 2 447 39 84 964 86 Deduct; Additional Appropriations made by the Board of Trustees January 17, 1925 Medical Library 8 000 00 Physical Education for W o m e n , 1 100 00 Physical Plant Extension (Lighting Assessments) 2 200 00 Land (Lots 2 and 22 College Place) 11 150 00 Medical Research Laboratory and Library 606 52 Organ in Music Building 25 000 00 Remodelling Physics Building • .15 000 00 February 11, 1925 Medical Library Stacks , 500 00 Summer Session in Landscape Gardening. 3 000 00 Repair of Auditorium Piers 2 000 00 68 556 52 Adjustments by the President to Budget Appropriation Convocations Expense (Honorarium Dr. Lord) 200 00 Education Salaries (Appointment G. W . Reagan and J. H. Blough, Board Minutes P. 166) 900 00 1 100 00 Reassignment of Lapsed Balances Board of Trustees (lapsed November 7, 1924 in error) 553 97 Assignment to cover Incidental Expenditures 112 01 70 322 50 Balance March 31, 1925 (Schedule P) 14 642 36 * lDeduct 31,285.86 for visit of General Assembly, appropriation not yet made.
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