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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

208 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 8 SCHEDULE B CARTER-PENNELL FARMS IMPROVEMENTS TO FEBRUARY 18, 1925 Ytari to (To be prorated over period of life) which to be Annual Prorated Charge Cost 1924-38 8 37 1924-43 22 20 Items Date North South 1924-43 2 35 Purchased Farm Farm 19^5-44 16 81 Fencing April, 1924 125 70 49 73 Lumber June, 1924 222 00 222 00 Fencing Oct., 1924 23 50 Barn (Repair and Addition) . Dec, 1924 337 96 Totals February 28,1925 371 20 559SCHEDULE C 96 CARTER-PENNELL FARMS INCOME A N D5 55 Less: Charged to 1923-24 Expense 11 52 EXPENSE, 554 Balance February 28,1925 (Schedule A) 359681923 41 Income Rent 442 79 Sale of Crops Winter Wheat, No. 1 86 76 2 961 37 Oati, No. 1 384 20 Corn, No. 1 1 026 72 Corn I 020 90 2 518 58 Total Income Expenditures Refund of Expenditures of J. Carter Seed 58 62 Repairs 40 00 222 28 Fence 43 00 2 739 09 Gas Engine 4050 182 12 J. Pitzer—fence IS 00 SCHEDULE D Services rendered by: CARTER-PENNELL F A R M I N C O M E A N D Soutk C. R. Hill EXPENSE, 1924 16 76 Farm Totals B. D. Keats 8 40 North 25 16 00 60 175 60 Total Expenditures Farm 35 00 35 00 Surplus 1923 to November 30, 1924 297 80 Income 4 35 Rent 85 00 986 29 I 782 79 Sale of Soy Bean Hay, 1 ill 89 2 295 54 Sale of Corn 297 80 86 74 43 37 Sale of Cream 4 35 16 81 33 62 Inventory February 28, 1925 706 50 (60 18) (120 36) Total Incomes 1 183 65 6 75 Expenses 15 34 17 60 Seed, etc. 19 06 (59 65 ) Clover 43 37 2 52 Soy Bean Seed 16 81 1 52 76 Total, seed, etc (60 18) (76) (404) Repairs 54 64 27 32 To fence 6 75 5 55 17 07 (32 87) (71 71) Towell,etc 15 34 255 76 93 81 To screen doors 17 60 1 018 08 » 039 78 Redecorating 19 96 Tout Repairs (59 65) Miscellaneous Advertising 2 52 Freight and Express 76 Total Miscellaneous (3 28) This ExpensesIncome95 Totalreport Permanent(Schedule A) Permanent Net of received for record. Amortization 161 Survey....was Improvements Total I 021 32 (38 84) 27 70 11 52
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