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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i66 board of trustees [January 17 X-RAY APPARATUS (35) A recommendation that the purchase of a ventilating fan ($197) and other incidental apparatus ($3,700) to complete the equipment of the X-Ray laboratory in the College of Medicine be authorized, the amount expended coming within the total of $25,000 appropriated for this equipment. O n motion of M r . Trees, these purchases were authorized. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Secretary presented for record the following list of appointments m a d e b y the President of the University. Andrews, Edmund, Assistant Professor of Surgery in the College of Medicine, for nine months, beginning December 1, 1924, at a salary of two hundred eight dollars ($208) a month. (December 17, 1924)1 Barcus, Gertrude L., Assistant in Plant Breeding, in the Department of Horticulture, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for eight months, beginning January I, 1925, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100) a month. (December 24, 1924) Bazore, Katherine, Instructor in Home Economics, in the College of Agriculture, for six months, beginning February 1, 1925, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) a month. (December 24, 1924) Blough, J. H., Assistant in Education, on one-half time, for five months, beginning February 1, 1925, at a salary of seventy dollars ($70) a month, and Assistant in the Bureau of Educational Research, on one-half time, for seven months, beginning February 1, 1925, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50) a month. (January 14, 1925) Cunningham, Mrs. L. M., Stenographer in the Department of Animal Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station, for eight months, beginning January 1, 1925, at a salary of eighty dollars ($80) a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. This appointment supersedes her previous one. (December 26, 1924) Ervin, Arminta L., Record Clerk in the Office of the Registrar, beginning December 18, 1924, and continuing until August 31, 1925, at a salary of sixty dollars ($60) a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (December 17. 19H) Flesher, Mrs. Reba W., Stenographer in the Bureau of Educational Research, for seven and one-half months, beginning January 12, 1925, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100) a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (January 14, 1925) Harshbarger, Edna M., Stenographer in the University Press, for eight months, beginning January 1, 1925, at a salary of eighty-five dollars ($85) a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. This appointment supersedes her previous one. (January 14, 1925) Honeywell, Edna M., Assistant in Foods, in the Department of H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture, for six months, beginning February 1, 1924, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) a month. (December 24, 1924) Johnson, Lillie O., Stenographer in the Auditing Division of the Business Office, for eight months, beginning January 1, 1925, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100) a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. This appointment supersedes her previous one. (December 17, 1924) Kaufman, S. I., Assistant in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, for six 1The date in parenthesis i the date on which the appointment was made by President Rinley. s months, beginning December 1, 1924, at a salary of thirty-three and two-thirds dollars ($33.66) a month. (December 10, 1924) Reagan, G. W., Instructor in the College of Education, for five months, beginning February 1, 1925, at a salary of one hundred eighty dollars ($180) a month. This appointment supersedes his previous one. (December 27, 1924) Smith, E. G., Clerk in the Purchasing Division of the Business Office, for eight months, beginning January 1, 1925, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100) a
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