Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ASSETS Schedule P B A L A N C E S H E E T AS A T D E C E M B E R 31, 1924 LIABILITIES A N D S U R P L U S I. General and Buildin% Funds Appropriation balances Encumbered (Schedule D) £2 748 254 52 Unencumbered (Schedule UnappropriatedD)In- ?2 041 806 19 ?4 79° 060 71 come (Reserve and 82 517 47 Contingent Fund) (Schedule A) $ General and Building Funds Cash in Hands of University Treasurer (Schedule C) General Fund ?i 062 799 53 U. S. Agricultural 070 248 49 Experiment 29 200 00 Station Fund... r 018 12* U.S. Smith-Lever Fund 8 467 08 Petty Cash Funds 3 269 999 52 (Schedule C) Balances in State Appropriations (Sched192 466 18 ule C) 129 247 99 For Operation.., I 7°4 r3I 94 For Buildings 1 543 461 16 16 225 33 For Special Pur3 215 84 poses 22 406 42 Stores 14 022 22 Inventories of Stock 60 00 (Schedule N).... 108 014 38 Jobs in Process (Schedule N ) 84 451 80 Due from U. S. Treas— urer Due from State Treasurer (Interest on Endowment Fund).... Due from U. S. Veteran's Bureau Accounts Receivable— General MicroscopesSContract. 299 000 92 Estimated(Incomehfrom: 15 532 74 ceivable Veteran's Fees Special NoteB VoState BoardiEducaHughes) t tion m of ReBureau cational 2 563 00 Reserve for Stores.... Residence Hall and Hospital Balances (Schedule N) " 8 979 58 89 152 65 B C