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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
14 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Jlty 14, This report was received for record. OVERCOATS FOR THE BAND (23) A request from an alumnus for an appropriation to purchase overcoats^ for the band, with the expectation that the money would be refunded by subscriptions. N o action w a s taken o n this request. FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS (24) A recommendation that the following resolution be adopted. R E S O L V E D , that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, while recognizing the importance of the development of forestry in Illinois, and while unwilling that the expense of the duties imposed by the act cited above should be made a charge either now, or at any future time, upon tie general University budget, or should in any way militate against appropriations to the University for the University's educational work, nevertheless approves and gives its endorsement to the proposal that a specific appropriation be made for the development of forestry in bills separate from those of the University, as the value and needs of the work shall appear from time to time. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this resolution w a s adopted. NURSE IN CHILDREN'S CLINIC (25) A request for authority to appoint a nurse in the Children's Clinic in the College of Dentistry, at a salary of £1,500 for one year. O n motion of M r s . Ickes, this appointment w a s authorized. PAVING STADIUM APPROACHES (26) A recommendation that the Executive Committee be authorized to award contracts for the paving of Fourth street and the Stadium approaches, with the understanding that standard 36-foot pavement be substituted for the proposed 18-foot pavement with 9-foot shoulders. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this recommendation w a s adopted. BUILDING PROGRAM FOR 1925-27 (27) A statement concerning the proposed legislative budget for 1925-27 and the building program, and a recommendation that $5,000 be appropriated from the Reserve and Contingent fund to the office of the Supervising Architect to enable him to make architectural studies of the following buildings: Library, second unit Architecture or Law building Armory facades Pharmacy building Men's gymnasium additions Old Library building During the presentation of this item, M r s . Grigsby withdrew. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this recommendation was approved, and the appropriation was m a d e by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, M r s . Blake, M r s . Busey, M r s . Evans, M r s . Ickes, M r . Noble, M r . Trees, M r . Trimble; no, none; absent, M r . Blair, Mrs. Grigsby, M r . Small. TIME OF SEPTEMBER MEETING O n motion of M r . Trees, it was voted to hold the September meeting at the University at 9 a. m . on Friday, September 26, 1924.
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