Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
192 S] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 11-17-23 American Express Corn11-26-23 American Express Corn11-27-23 American Express Corn11-28-23 American Express Corn11-28-23 American Express Corn- 155 .8 4 2.77 Advertising 10-19-24 Journal of Accountancy.$ 9.00 11-28-24 Chicago Daily News... 46.20 4-17-24 S- 2-24 $97-32 Te LEGRAFH AND TELEPHONE 10- 8-23 11-13-23 Bell Telephone Company 4.80 12- 7-23 Western Union 2.04 12-12-23 Bell Telephone Company 1.30 1- 9-24 2- S-24 2-16-24 Bell Telephone Company 1.05 4-14-24 Bell Telephone Company 1.05 5- 7-24 S-13-24 Bell Telephone Company 2.10 6-14-24 6-17-24 Bell Telephone Company 1.05 $21.58 Freight and Express 7-13-23 American Express Company 4« 1.87 36 11-28-23 American Express Corn12-26-23 American Express Corn12-31-23 American Express Corn1- 8-24 American Express Corn5-22-24 American Express Corn6-18-24 American Express Corn6-24-24 American Express Corn6-26-24 American Express Com- a8 •3 9 .0 3 •74 1.53 •7 4 i-W •47 3.48 $i 16.96 Respectfully' submitte< , i Mauiuce H. Rejbinson, Chairman : G. P. TunxE, Secretary University Committee on Accountancy December 12, 1924