Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i925] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS Certificate Number 534 53 5 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 153 Certificate Number 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 Name Warren H. Keller Vincent Michael Kelly Willard W . Kelsey Arthur Lincicome Rubert John Lindquist John M . Mader Chris Moore Martin John Victor McGovern John Jay McKeague Ben Stanton Naven FINANCIAL STATEMENT The total receipts for the year were $9,722.50. The balance from the preceding fiscal year was $8,43943. The total disbursements were $6,947.00. The balance in the fund at the close of the fiscal year was $11,214.93. The receipts and expenditures for the year are as follows: RECEIPTS Business Office Balance July 1, 1924 $ 8,439.43 Receipts, Sale of Questions. 202.50 9,722.50 Examination Fees, 391 at $25.00 $9,775.00 Less Refunds 255.00 $ 9,520.00 E X P E !^JSES Payments to Board of Examiners and Amei'ican Instiltute $ 4,691.00 Natr, Lurton Eugene Felton Aubrey Cleveland Flood Alexander R. Grant Reinhardt George Jahti William A. Romanek Samuel Rottman Abraham Harry Russman Joseph Ronald Schulz Paul Canaday Taylor Office Equ Less Refu ..$165.34 .. 10.00 155-34 21.58 16.96 $ 6.947.00 Freight ai Business (Office Balance, June 30, 1924.... I T E M I Z A 1 [TON O F R efund of Fees, 1923-24[ Wayne M . Stevens... .$ 20.00 . 20.00 11-16-23 . 20.00 11-16-23 4-21-24 Leland F. Bond . 25.00 . 20.00 5- 8-24 5-13-24 Gerald C. Telling.... . 20.00 S-13-24 James D. Newson... . 25.00 5-13-24 William M . Cooper.. . 25.00 5-19-24 John P. Begley 20.00 5-19-24 Charles L. Dwinnell.. . 20.00 5-19-24 . 20.00 5-19-24 Albert S. Hansen . ao.oo $255.00 $18,161.93 E X P E N I)ITURES Sti iNOGRAPHIC AND CLERJCAL 7-25-23 Zella Hall . ..$ 66.66 8-28-23 Zella Hall 5.00 9-22-23 Zella Hall 10-31-23 Zella Hall ... 75.00 11-14-23 11-17-23 Zella Hall Zella Hall 12-31-23 5.00 ••• i-75