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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
t o TRUST INVESTMENTS AS AT JUNE 30, 1924 Interest Total Par Description Issued By Value Rate Maturity Cost Bonds . U. S. Government i 50 00 4K% Apr. is, 1938 (0 $ 490s 50 00 Military B«nd Reserve One (1) Fourth Liberty Bond @ $50 . U. S. Government., 4 # % Sept. 15, 1928 49 58 300 00 Military Band Reserve One (i)Third Liberty Bond @ $50 U. S. Government 100 00 + K % Sept. IS, 1928 298+4 300 00 Military Band Reserve Three (3) Third Liberty Bonds @ Jloo... , U. S. Government 50 00 4 % % Dec. 15, 1925 IOO 00 So 00 Military Band Reserve One (1) U. S. Gold Note @ ?IOO .U. S. Government + K % Nov. IS, 1942(2).... f 200 00 English Poetry Prize Fund Three (3) Second Liberty Bonds @8ioo... . U. S. Government 4 H % Nov. IS, 19+2(2).... \ 3'5 °° I OOO 00 English Poetry Prize Fund One (1) Second Liberty Mortgage$5° U. S. Government McKinley Hospital Twenty-five (25) First Bond @ Bonds 4}i% Apr. 15, 1938 (1) so 26 25 000 00 Thrift Committee Prize Fund. One (l)Fourth Liberty Bond @ J50 U. S. Government @ £1,000 4'/4% Sept. 15, 1928 20000 I 500 00 Thrift Committee Prize Fund. .Two {2) Third Liberty Bonds @ ?Ioo@ 8500.First Trust Joint Stock Land 4%% May I, I9J4(3) 997 SO 500 00 Schofield Scholarship Three (3) First Mortgage Gold Bonds 50 00 Thrift Committee Prize Fund. .One (1) First Mortgage Gold 3l°°o @ £100.. Bank of Chicago Schofield Scholarship Five (5) Farm Loan Bond @ Bonds 2 500 OO 6% Jan. 1,1931 Gift Booth St. Louis Cold Storage 6 % Rea Scholarship One (1) Third Liberty Bond @ S50 July I, 1932 I 500 00 2 20O OO too 00 Rea Scholarship Five (5) First Mortgage Gold Bonds @ S500. . Company._ . 6% July 1, 1932 50000 SO 00 Rea Scholarship Twenty-two (22) First Mortgage Gold Bonds . Coll. of PhysiciansfieSurgeons.4 K % Sept. IS, 1928 +900 2 OOO OO Coll. of PhysiciansfitSurgeons.. 6 % @ $100 300 oo July 1, 1931 2+1000 U. S. Government Rea Scholarship One (1) Second Liberty Bond @ 3ioo I OOO 00 6% July 1, 1932 218200 Coll. of PhysiciansfieSurgeons.. 4 K % Nov. rs, 19+2(2).... 100 00 Rea Scholarship One (1) Second Liberty Bond @ 35° IOO OO Coll. of Physicians fie Surgeons.. Nov. 15,1942 (2) Baker Prize Fund Two (2) First Mortgage Gold Bonds @?l,ooo.. 4*4% 5000 t+ 595 00 U. 1 500 00 Baker Prize Fund Three (3) First Mortgage Gold Bonds @ 3ioo. S. Government 6% M a y 1, 1930 Gift 1 500 00 U. S. Government Plym Fellowship One (1) First Mortgage Gold Bond @ gi.ooo... 1 000 00 yyi% May 1, 1937 Gift 1 000 00 Whalen PulpfitPaper Mills Ltd, 5% Oct. 1, 1956 89000 Guild Memorial One (1) Second Liberty Bond @ £100 3 000 00 Vancouver Lumber Company, 4 H % Nov. 15, 19+2 (2). . . Robert F. Carr Fellowship in . 102 00 Ltd Chemistry Thirty (30) Argentine Republic Bonds 5% March I, 1945 Gift Public Service Company of 6 % Treasury Bonds Three (3) First Mortgage Gold Bonds @ £500.. July I, 1932 1387S0 Treasury Bonds Fifteen (15) First Mortgage Gold Bonds @$ioo Northern Illinois 6% July I, 1932 138750 Gregory Scholarship One (1) Federal Farm Loan Bond @ 81,000 U. S. Government 4)4% M a y 1,1942(4) 98000 . Gregory Scholarship T w o (2) Federal Farm Loan Bonds @ Si,oco.. Republic of Argentine 4 # % Jan. 1, 1943 201500 Gregory Scholarship .Three (3) U. S. Treasury Bonds @ 81,000 . Coll. of PhysiciansfieSurgeons. 4 H % Oct. 15, 1952 2 999 40 . Coil, of PhysiciansfieSurgeons. Federal Land Bank of Houston. U. S. Government of Wichita.. Federal Land Bank Fund m £ 0 0 » i d * c $ n C O C <i' •—.
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